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Monday, 09 March 2020 08:19

Will abortion end while we allow contraception?

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What does God really think about contraception? How different would our pro-life efforts be if Christians stopped contracepting? Can we selfish human beings be trusted to decide how many children God wants us to have?

The Second Reading of the infamous Abortion Legislation Bill will likely happen this Wednesday night. If your Member of Parliament voted for it at the First Reading, you must ask him/her to oppose it now.

Whatever the outcome of the upcoming High Court appeal by Cardinal Pell against his conviction on sex abuse charges, and despite the continuing social media tirades against the man and the undying hatred expressed by Pell haters against his small band of public defenders, there has been a recent, ever-so-subtle turn in elite opinion towards the possibility of an Alfred Dreyfus/Lindy Chamberlain scenario here.  That the man may have been wrongly convicted.  This is evidenced by some support for Pell’s innocence from unlikely quarters, and suggests hope against hope for justice.

Sunday, 23 February 2020 23:29

The abortion lobby's bubble hasn't burst - yet

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After three and a half years, my legal challenge to defeat Victoria's abortion 'bubble-zones' is over. We may have failed to change the law, but we did our best; something those who failed to protect the babies & legislated for abortion will never be able to say.

Sunday, 16 February 2020 23:52

Pro-abortion UN Committee wants to evaluate SDG's

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A UN committee known for aggressively promoting abortion rights is lobbying the General Assembly to establish a UN system-wide mechanism that would expand its power and influence.

Sunday, 16 February 2020 23:41

We love the planet, but we hate people

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So let’s save the planet by killing everyone.

Sunday, 09 February 2020 23:45

The Wages of Spin

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When the dissing of a stalwart figure of good governance and sensible policy like the late Roger Scruton can lead to his reputation being shredded, and have that shredding rubber stamped by a “Conservative” Government and its standard bearing ministers committed to, above all else, “public relations”, we need to stop and think about what drives our modern governments. 

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