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Monday, 06 May 2019 00:43

God's hand behind the movie 'Unplanned'

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The movie, 'Unplanned', based on the experiences of former planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, has been making waves and changing hearts since its release in the US. Dave Pellowe has produced this interview with the writer/directors of the movie.

The abortion industry is well-known for its reliance on understatements and misrepresentation of fact in order to make its poisonous service more palatable to the public. One such euphemism is the term 'abortion stigma'. This handy new euphemism simultaneoulsy normalises abortion and derides those who believe in the sanctity of human life.
Tuesday, 30 April 2019 20:20

Is free speech dead?

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Yes, free speech is dead in this country, killed by its very guardians, the High Court of Australia, and “liberal” civil libertarians.

The 'clump of cells' argument is wearing pretty thin - especially when abortionists and other advocates agree that abortion takes the life of a fully human child.

Most Western media personnel, politicians, and commentators will overwhelmingly have one standard for Muslims and another for Christians – both in terms of what they do and what is done to them. The double standards here are as odious as they are obvious. And we again have a perfect example of this with the way  Christchurch and Sri Lanka have been handled.

Friday, 26 April 2019 20:13

Federal Election Special

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Here's a round-up of resources to help you make your vote count at the May 18th Federal Election.

It’s wonderful news that all of a sudden Rugby Union Australia believe in God, Heaven & Hell. Many of us had been under the distinct impression they were largely indifferent to Christian theology & doctrine. All that was cleared up marvelously though when they judged the record try scorer of all time, Israel Folau, to be more immoral than the philandering, drunken cokeheads which litter the various Australian football codes.

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