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Bill Muehlenberg

Bill Muehlenberg

Author, Blogger and Speaker 

Bill Muehlenberg, who was born in America, lives in Melbourne. He is married to an Australian, Averil, and has three sons. He has a BA with honours in philosophy (Wheaton College, Chicago), a MA with highest honours in theology (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston), and is working on a PhD in theology. He is Secretary of the Family Council of Victoria. He was formerly the National Vice President of the Australian Family Association. He was formerly the National Research Coordinator at Focus on the Family.

He currently continues an independent ministry in pro-faith and pro-family activism. He is head of an apologetics/ethics ministry called CultureWatch, started in January 2006. This interactive blogsite features over 3,300 articles and 52,000 comments.

Saturday, 04 August 2018 10:34

Notable Christians: Sophie and Hans Scholl

(Photo credit: JStorDaily) Just over 75 years ago some very brave and passionate young people were executed in Germany for daring to resist Hitler and the Nazis. Two of the main players were sister and brother, Sophie and Hans Scholl. Their stories are now engraved in history, and they have inspired millions along the way. Robert and Magdalena Scholl had six children, including Sophie and Hans. They were raised as Lutherans and a Bible in the home was there to be read and studied. Her mother was the more religious of the parents, and her father early on came to oppose the Nazis. As the Nazis came to power, all the Scholl children at first became keen supporters of the Nazis, and some even joined the Hitler Youth, much to their father’s horror. But they soon grew very uneasy with what was happening in their country as they began to see what was really going on.

Saturday, 21 July 2018 07:58

This is How Free Speech is Destroyed

Update to this article: there were violent clashes between police and protesters outside Stefan Molyneux and Laura Southern's Melbourne event last night. According to the ABC report, police blamed the speakers for the violence. Police Commander, Tim Hansen, stated:  "Their actions put their lives, the lives of the public and the lives of police officers at risk. The safety of the community is our main concern and our officers could have been used more effectively across Melbourne on a Friday night. It is disappointing that we had to use significant resources to mediate between two groups with opposing views." I agree: it IS disappointing. Disappointing that the Victorian state government expects a speaker to pay for the police protection it is obliged to provide and doesn't slap violent protesters with the fine! As with the case of Milo Yiannopoulos, it isn't necessary that we agree with their views or with their lifestyles to defend others' right to freely express an opinion. - Ed. 

It is normally a good thing to keep children with their parents. But not all times are normal. When parents are abusing their children, it is usually best to separate them. When a parent commits a crime and is sent to prison, then they are separated from their children, whether we like it or not. That is usually how things go. But the left has found a new issue to make a stink about. And as usual, the leftists are awash in hypocrisy, double standards, and plenty of lies and falsehoods.

Yesterday I wrote about the victory of Colorado cake-maker Jack Phillips. While I still stand with that piece, the only thing I regret was the title I ran with – in haste. I had to dash out, so I quickly changed a more innocuous headline to a more eye-catching one. [Read this story here on Bill's website.] However, anyone reading the piece instead of just going by the title would have seen that this win was hardly an end-all and be-all decision by America’s highest court.

[Photo credit: Tommy Robinson / Youtube. Bill has had some criticism via social media for defending the likes of Tommy Robinson and Geert Wilder. Here's his response to that, with which I heartily agree: "Some folks make it their mission, however imperfectly, to expose things like horrific rape gangs. Some folks prefer to be armchair critics and attack these watchmen. I know which group of people I will side with, any day of the week. The former group will heavily pay for this, often with their very lives. The latter group sacrifices nothing."] Less than a week ago English activist Tommy Robinson was sentenced to 13 months in prison. Given that he has been doing his best to warn about creeping sharia in general, and Islamic rape-gangs in particular, and that he will be surrounded by Muslim inmates, we can fully expect he will be murdered in prison. That is one way to deal with those who seek to expose the evil which abounds in the UK today. Simply silence those who dare to alert others to what is going on. If he is killed while in prison, the powers that be can look the other way and just keep going on with business as usual. Just in case you have no clue as to who he is, and what his “crime” was, this news item offers a brief summary:

U.K. right-wing activist and journalist Tommy Robinson was arrested and reportedly jailed Friday after he filmed members of an alleged child grooming gang entering a court for trial – but the details of his purported sentence remain murky after the judge ordered the press not to report on the case. Robinson, the former head of the English Defense League and a longtime activist against Islam and Islamic migration, was arrested after he was filming men accused of being part of a gang that groomed children. Britain has been rocked by a series of child sex scandals perpetuated by gangs of predominantly Muslim men.

Ezra Levant offers more detail:

Tommy did nothing wrong. But suddenly, seven police officers swarmed Tommy and threw him in the back of a police van. They said he was causing a disturbance, which is absurd — he was by himself on the street, with only a cameraman and a friend. But it got worse. Much worse. Within hours, Tommy was summoned before the judge. Tommy’s long-time lawyer was not informed of this. Rather, the court appointed a lawyer who didn’t know Tommy and wasn’t an expert in the specialized law of contempt of court. In a matter of minutes, Tommy was sent to prison — with a 13-month sentence. He is now in HM Prison Hull, a brutal facility near Leeds. A 13-month prison sentence for Tommy is tantamount to a death sentence — every Muslim criminal in prison will be trying to murder him. They’ve tried before. The only alternative is for Tommy to request to be put into solitary confinement — but no-one can live that way, locked up without any human contact for 23 hours a day. Not for a year straight.

Commentator Bruce Bawer says this about the case:

-The swiftness with which injustice was meted out to Tommy Robinson is stunning. No, more than that: it is terrifying. -Without having access to his own lawyer, Robinson was summarily tried and sentenced to 13 months behind bars. He was then transported to Hull Prison. -Meanwhile, the judge who sentenced Robinson also ordered British media not to report on his case. Newspapers that had already posted reports of his arrest quickly took them down. All this happened on the same day. -In Britain, rapists enjoy the right to a full and fair trial, the right to the legal representation of their choice, the right to have sufficient time to prepare their cases, and the right to go home on bail between sessions of their trial. No such rights were offered, however, to Tommy Robinson.

He concludes:

For my part, I cannot for the life of me fathom why not a single prominent or powerful individual in all of the United Kingdom has come forward to challenge the mistreatment of Tommy Robinson – and thereby stand up for freedom of speech. Is the whole British establishment a bunch of cowards? I suppose we will know the answer to that question soon enough, if we do not know it already.

Mark Steyn put it this way: “You can say a lot of things about Tommy Robinson, but he’s one of the embarrassingly small number of Britons who recognizes the horror inflicted on those young and vulnerable girls on the receiving end of “diversity” and seeks to do something about it.” Or as Joshua Winston writes:

If the government were at all smart and strategic, they would hire Tommy Robinson as an adviser on terrorism. He has consistently identified extremists, because he grew up among them in Luton. He has consistently told us the names of the mosques that are churning out radicals, as well as naming the imams. He has been right time after time, and instead of hiring Tommy (whose information could contribute to keeping us all safe), our government bent down to the MCB and MEND, both of whom have ties to extremists. All of this is okay with our government, because these Muslim organisations bring with them the Muslim voting bloc, and so the parliamentary doors are flung wide open to them at the same time that our liberties get thrown out the window.

And if you know nothing about the rape-gangs which have terrorised thousands of young girls in the UK, I refer you to an earlier piece of mine. There I said:

The Mirror’s 18-month investigation reveals abuse on unprecedented levels. We found: -Social workers knew of abuse in the 1990s but police took a decade to launch a probe. -Council staff viewed abused and trafficked children as “prostitutes” instead of victims, according to previously unseen files. -Authorities failed to keep details of abusers from Asian communities for fear of “racism” -Police failed to investigate one recent case five times until an MP intervened. -One victim said cops tried to stop her finding out why her abusers had not been prosecuted because they feared she would talk to us. -The scale of the abuse uncovered in Telford – population 170,000 – is feared to be the most brutal and long-running of all. -The Rotherham toll was put at 1,500 – but that was in a community of 260,000.

And read especially this please:

Night after night, I was forced to have sex with multiple men in disgusting takeaways and filthy houses. I must have been getting the morning after pill from a local clinic at least twice a week but no one asked any questions. I fell pregnant twice and had two abortions. Hours after my second termination, I was taken by one of my abusers to be raped by more men. The worst moment came just after my 16th birthday when I was drugged and gang raped by five men. Days later, the ringleader turned up at my house and told me he’d burn it down if I breathed a word of what had happened.

There is only one thing worse than this horrific sexual abuse, and this totalitarian trampling of freedom of speech, and the reprehensible treatment of the whistle-blower Tommy Robinson, and that is the appalling and damnable apathy and indifference of most people. Why do I suspect that 99 per cent of folks will never give a rip about Tommy and all this until – God forbid – their own daughter is savagely assaulted by rape gangs – usually Muslim rape gangs? The truth is, those who don’t care about all this are just as guilty of these horrific cases of sexual assault as the rape gangs are. There is a petition circulating on this. In just around four days it has garnered nearly a half million signatures. Let’s make it a million – even ten million. A few videos – of many – on this case that are well worth watching include this two-minute statement by Geert Wilders: So too is Paul Weston’s 17-minute video: And see this 3-minute video by UK MEP Janice Atkinson: Finally, watch this 12-minute video by Lauren Southern: Also, be aware that rallies for Tommy were held in various Australian cities yesterday. It is said that when he heard of this news, tears came to his eyes. I am Tommy Robinson. So are you, if you care about freedom, about democracy, and the well-being of our children.

The activists and their supporters are always telling us to relax and ease up – they insist that what they want will have no impact on anyone else. They tell us that what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms is not the business of anyone else. They say nothing will change when things like homosexual marriage are legalised. They accuse us of being alarmists and fear-mongers. They tell us to just shut up because they are entitled to do what they want, and we should just butt out since it will have no impact on us.

Some commentators - even Christian ones - place children such as Alfie Evans firmly in the category of 'hopeless cases with unrealistic parents.' Bu as stated in my own article on the subject, Medical Tyranny and Parental Authority, this case is more about undermining parental authority than about whether or not Alfie's life could have been saved, or even extended had it been managed differently. For every high-profile case like Alfie's there are many unknown ones in existence around us, with parents left to wonder exactly where, along the way, they lost control over their children's medical care. - Ed.

The controversies over the so-called Safe Schools programs in Australia are simply a reflection of a much bigger war. For many decades now activists have sought to target our children especially through the school system. Various sex education programs and the like have been used to push radical sexual agendas. All this did not just happen. It has been promoted and pushed by sexual ideologies and ideologues who have been active since early last century. The sexual revolutionaries have been quite busy, and they helped pave the way for things like the contemporary Safe Schools programs.

Monday, 02 April 2018 19:30

A Tale of Two Men - and Two Faiths

[Apr 1, 2018. Photo credit Herald Sun]

 Today is Easter Sunday. Christians the world over celebrate the most important event in human history: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. At the heart of this event is one person giving his life for others, so that they might live. This is self-sacrificing love at its greatest.

I have written often now on the deep decline of the UK, and now we may be safe to say it is just about officially dead. At the same time it is banning and detaining brave individuals who dare to speak out about the evils of sharia law and the war on freedom, UK officials are covering up and making excuses for diabolical rape gangs, most of them Muslim. As to the free speech bans, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been banned from entering the country in the past, all for daring to warn about the dangers of political Islam. And more recently figures like Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone from the UK and Lauren Southern from Canada are getting similar treatment. While they are being excluded from the country or banned from speaking out, the UK continues to keep its doors wide open to Islamic immigration, giving Muslims privileged and preferential status.

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