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Tuesday, 15 August 2017 07:43

As for Me and My House

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And if the goal is that men and women be equal workers, and all in the workforce, women need to be taught to ignore maternal bonds to their newborn babies, so they return to work as soon as possible after birth. Abortion on demand also reduces those bonds, and women taught this is their "right" which will allow them greater access to the freedoms men already enjoy. Any children of course need to be educated by the state, not by parents, to ensure "equality" of opportunity and learning. Marxism also teaches that religion - any belief in a higher being with authority must also be done away with - religion is after all "the opium of the people" and will be irrelevant in a classless, egalitarian society. Marxism despises free enterprise (small and big business) because it reduces dependence on the state, allows for incentives to work harder and for profits, which mean some will earn more than others - and that's just not "equal." Until now Australia has recognised any acceptance of Marxism actually results in a loss of freedoms - freedoms of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom to disagree. While continuing to crow equality, new masters emerge soon enough - as Orwell warned "all are equal but some are more equal than others". Aren't those words particularly poignant now as "equality" is demanded on every corner - equal love and marriage equality?

The problem here is that there are a few flies in the ointment - not all of us like Marxism, we don't agree with the old "equality and freedom" arguments and we hold other worldviews. Judaism and Christianity for example see the family unit not as a threat or an enemy, but as the foundational building block of society. They value the unique bond between a man and a woman which is powerful enough to produce new life (the only relationship which can). They consider that bond sacred and to the exclusion of all others - something to be held in high esteem and in a special place in the community. Marriage then is seen as a covenant commitment for life which is meant to tie husband to wife and wife to husband - father to mother and mother to father, and both to their children... even to their grandchildren for life. In this worldview, marriage and family are not seen as enemies to be annihilated but as imperatives for a healthy society.

Those of us who hold to that view still believe strong families make strong communities make strong nations - that mothering matters and fathering matters, and if possible children do best with both in healthy homes. These particular world views teach not dependence upon state, but dependence upon God, and personal responsibility. The Judeo-Christian work ethic teaches those who can work should work, and those who can and wish to work longer and harder should enjoy the rewards that brings. At the same time there should be provision made for those who cannot work. Equality should exist because of the intrinsic value of every human being, being made in the image of God. All people, despite their differences should be worthy of love. In our society today there are many other smaller cultural and religious views but until now our nation has been predominantly Christian - and has identified and rejected Marxism at every turn... It remains to be seen if we will continue to do so but from where I sit a litmus test will be whether Australians will recognise what is truly at stake in the next few weeks. Will they vote against marriage and family as we have always known it in favour of the promise of a brave new world? I hope not. In any case, as for me and my house, we'll be voting No.

Julie Robinson

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