Displaying items by tag: covid19
Zero Net Liberalism in New South Wales, Ten Years On
The New South Wales Liberal-led Government recently turned ten. Is there anything to celebrate in the Premier State?
The Covid Pact
Individual rights, traditionally conceived, exist prior to, and separate from, the State. Not any more, in the age of Covid and lockdown, all that we previously accepted about government has been discarded. And we did it. It is a Faustian bargain.
Ardern, Abortion, Vaccines and the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand
The destruction of unborn proceeds unchecked across the Tasman, following radical legislative change. Juxtapose this to the misplaced faith in vaccines to
protect life. The Catholic Bishops of New Zealand seem to have strange priorities. Our Kiwi correspondent explains.
Zero Covid Man
At last an Australian politician has come out and actually said what the whole anti-Covid push is about. Pity that the policy objective is impossible to achieve, is built on lies and will destroy what little remains of our freedoms.
The Illiberalism of Pro-Vaxxer “Liberals”
Those who have opposed lockdowns because of the impact they have on personal freedom should also be manning the barricades in relation to vaccine mandates, and not giving them a pass because they will help return life to "normal".
Scotty's Jab
The Covid vaccines have been hailed as the world's route out of lockdown and associated measures. Not so fast, as we now are coming to realise. The inept Morrison Government should be held to far higher standards of accountability for our Covid mess and for all of the vaccine lies the Government has told or allowed.
The Contradictions of Vaccine Politics
The current penchant that governments and many citizens have for "Covidocracy" looks like becoming permanent. This is despite the initial promise of the silver bullet vaccine. Those who, quite legitimately, question the efficacy of the jab, are prone to made pariahs. Rather, they should be lauded as the rational ones among us, and thanked for pointing out the massive contradictions of vaccine politics.
Mr Zuckerberg, You Have a Problem: the False Promise of Silicon Valley
What we now know as "Big Tech" was once a series of little techs, brave start-ups taking on the world. Not only did these entrepreneurs end up overturning the business world. They have taken over everything. And the result is far from pretty.
Church and State in the Age of Covid
The Christian churches, their beliefs, their sacred practices and their pastors are under attack. From new atheists, secularists, progressives - and from the state itself. The state's assumption of extraordinary and dictatorial powers during the year of Covid has not been without impact on the Church. The Covid state has imposed all sorts of restrictions on the faithful. Caesar has taken more than his due.
China's Great Covid
The year 2020 will go down in history as the year China's long-term strategies for global domination and short-term tactics to achieve it paid off big time. And they used a virus to do it.