Displaying items by tag: covid19
Ten Killer Covid Facts
Politicians are said to love "killer facts". And to want to "follow the science". Sadly, those running our Covid policy responses seem not to want to do either.
It's a Bilderberg World, Baby - An Alternate View of Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy theory has been invoked by Victorian Police commanders to tarnish the reputations of citizens who object to totalitarianism. What is conspiracy theory? It is worth unpacking in these weird times. It turns out that many conspiracy theories are respectable. Indeed, they explain much of the world.
Memo to Victoria Police: Just Do Your Day Job
Instead of insulting citizens who wish to protest their government's totalitarian lockdown, senior civil servants in Daniel Andrews' Victoria should just get on with doing their day jobs.
Covidmania in Two Hemispheres: The Bedwetting State of Origin
The British are surprised at the submissive reaction of Australians and New Zealanders to our governments' vicious lockdown measures in response to what is, for most, a mild Covid challenge. This invites the question - are we in the Antipodes any more supine before the power of the Covid State than the Brits are?
Killing the Old to Save Them: a Policy Betrayal
The Covid episode has brought forth many ironies. One relates to the way we (don't) look after our aged, especially the frail aged. Many governments have implemented a euthanasia regime, yet pretend to care now for the health of the aged. But governments have actually abandoned the aged for whom they claim to care in their efforts to place the rest of us under house arrest. No dignity - anywhere. It is almost a soft euthanasia program by another name.
Climate of Fear: Climate Change as a Dress Rehearsal for the Covid Leviathan
The fear, even hysteria, among the population over Covid is unprecedented. Yet there is a precedent for the strategies now being used by governments and others to generate the fear we are now witnessing. We merely need to look back a few years to the great climate change scare to see the parallels. Indeed, it might be argued that climate change was the perfect dress rehearsal for Covidmania.
Melbourne Lockdown: The Police State Downunder
Victoria is now a living hell of Covid Fascism, as the vicious lockdown continues. Yet the people of Victoria seem to think this is all a good thing, or at least a necessary evil. This is what life in Victoria is like now.
The Covid Reich and the Epic Fail of the Australian Media
At a time of epic fails by political leaders, oppositions, bureaucracies, and, alas, churches, we need an epic fail by our media like a hole in the head. Yet that is what we have now. Amid all the Covid disasters, our media have lost the plot. They are not doing their core jobs of speaking truth to power and calling out stupidity, and we are all the poorer for it.
Our Freedom Destroyed - The Costs of Collaborating with Fascism
It has been said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Well, on any number of fronts, people in liberal democracies are currently "doing nothing", as our freedoms and the quality of our governance ever decline. And evil is winning.
The State's Six Covid Tricks
The response of governments to the Covid "crisis" has been a revelation. They have grabbed supreme power and have diminished freedoms and crushed the economy. How did they get away with it, with such little push-back from we-the-people? They had six strategies. Strategies that appear to have worked.