Displaying items by tag: education system
The Seven Deadly Enablers of Lockdown Culture
The nightmare of Covid hysteria and the crushing of freedom it has caused only grow afresh during an expected, relatively mild winter outbreak of an equally expected, overblown "variant". Two questions are endlessly repeated by those who worry about these things. One, how the hell did we get here? And two, why did we give up our freedom without a fight? The ground was long prepared for this.
The Empty Campus (Part One)
The universities of Australia are now lonely places. Crushed by Lockdowns, and suffering from myriad assaults that go back much further. Part One of this two part article examines the collapse of standards and the transformation of Australian universities into corporations where students are now seen as "customers". Part Two will examine the ideological campus.
The Light Ages
It is fashionable to deride the Middle Ages. "Medieval" is normally an insult, a term of abuse. A new book begs to differ. Pondering the lessons of the book, one is drawn to massive contrasts between our own age and that of "the medievals". And the contrasts are mostly not in our favour.
HELP! My kid is being taught gender theory
Here’s one the email I received from a single mum with a seven year old son which prompted me to call Marijke “Political Posting Mumma” Rancie.
The State Religion is Relativism
Far from truly “secular” which used to mean the government neither imposed nor impeded personal beliefs, there is now an observable state-imposed belief system & worldview, and it’s fundamentally anti-Christian. Authentic Christianity is actually heretical to the political priests of relativism.
This is how students are brainwashed into supporting abortion
A chance find on Twitter reveals how university students are being indoctrinated with pro-abortion propaganda by biased lecturers.
The Educated Ignorantti
[One of the most disappointing developments of the last 150 years or so has been the education of people. Once was a time when barely 1% of the population could read or write. It can be true to say not much development went on back then. One century went by much as the last one. But clever folk there were who nevertheless managed to rise and dispel some of the ignorance they encountered. They were 'Elite'. For most people life, the world, reality was what they could see from the bottom of a deep hole of ignorance. That old 'Elite' actually knew a thing or two. They had worked out the value of knowledge. They had discovered ethics, right from wrong, morality and even manners. They gave us Chivalry, not to mention the combined knowledge and technologies of the past few millenia. Pretty good for far less than universal writing facility.
More Anti-Christian Bigotry in Victoria
Things are growing darker by the day in the People’s Republik of Victoria. I have documented a number of very ominous developments here under the radical leftist reign of Labor Premier Dan Andrews. He seems obsessed with wiping out Christianity and religious freedom while he implements every hard-core minority group agenda around. His latest attack of faith and freedom comes in the form of the Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016. It is a frightening proposal which everyone concerned about freedom and religious freedom should know about.