Displaying items by tag: freedom of belief
Scotty's Jab
The Covid vaccines have been hailed as the world's route out of lockdown and associated measures. Not so fast, as we now are coming to realise. The inept Morrison Government should be held to far higher standards of accountability for our Covid mess and for all of the vaccine lies the Government has told or allowed.
Mr Zuckerberg, You Have a Problem: the False Promise of Silicon Valley
What we now know as "Big Tech" was once a series of little techs, brave start-ups taking on the world. Not only did these entrepreneurs end up overturning the business world. They have taken over everything. And the result is far from pretty.
The Hexagon of Tyranny
We are facing a six-headed monster of tyranny. Freedom is on the line, as Western, so-called democratic governments have trashed our basic human rights. How much do we know, or care?
If Peter Ridd Loses, Academic Freedom in Australia is Dead
Peter Ridd was a respected Australian academic who dared to question "the science" of climate change, and in particular, the work of colleagues at his then university. He was sacked for his trouble. He is now heading for the High Court, and all of us should be hoping he wins his case. There is much at stake - for freedom.
On Corona Tracking Apps
As debates rage over the origins and impacts of COVID 19 and whether draconian government policy response here and overseas have been appropriate and effective, now there is a proposed tracking app that the Government is introducing. Bill Muehlenberg asks - What could go wrong with a Government App?
The Great Divide Where Religious Beliefs and the Law Meet
Australia is a multi-faith society. The 2016 Census shows that, while the mix of beliefs has changed over the years, Australia remains a pretty religious place. In the last census, nearly 70% of Australians self-identified as religious. The number of Australians who have self-identified as Christian in the census has fallen from 88.2% in 1966 to 52.1% in 2016. The number of Australians identifying as being of another religion has grown from 0.8% to 8.2%, with Islam (2.6%), Buddhism (2.4%) and Hinduism (1.9%) being the largest non-Christian faiths. The number who self-identified in the category of “no religion” has grown from 0.8% to 30.1%. This category includes having secular beliefs, other spiritual beliefs or having no religion. This makes it hard to be sure what these Australians believe.