Displaying items by tag: Heartbeat Bill
Monday, 07 January 2019 16:23
Pro-abortion billboard: 'It was just health-care'
It should be no surprise that abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, would want to take the baby-killing industry's' 'shout your abortion' campaign to the next level. Because that's exactly what PP have done with their new billboard campaign in the US state of Iowa. The campaign is being run in response to a recently-passed heartbeat bill, which effectively bans most abortions once a baby's heartbeat is detected, that is, around 6 week's gestation. Although narrow exemptions apply, the new law would ensure that doctors 'conduct an abdominal ultrasound to test for a fetal heartbeat on any woman seeking an abortion. If that heartbeat is detected, a physician cannot perform an abortion.'
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Right to Life