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Displaying items by tag: Abortion

Monday, 07 May 2018 06:26

Save the 8th! Interview with Richard Casey

By now, many of you will be familiar with the massive Save the 8th! campaign, mounted by Ireland's pro-life community. Abortion is currently illegal in Ireland, except under very few circumstances. On May 25th, a referendum will be held in Ireland to determine whether or not to repeal the constitution's 8th Amendment, adopted in 1983: protection of the unborn child. The mainstream media has, on the whole, supported the pro-abortion side, concentrating on the fact that many Irish women travel to England in order to procure abortions. However, this 'need' to travel simply shows that Irish women have been sold the same lie that is being spread around the world: a mistimed pregnancy will ruin women's lives.

Published in Right to Life
Tuesday, 01 May 2018 08:41

No Common Ground Between Good and Evil

Richard Grant writes that giving a prominent abortionist a platform at a pro-life conference is a grave disservice to the cause of the unborn. As covered in a previous article, the presence of Leah Torres, famous for her callous 'cord-cutting' tweet, at the Abortion Rethink conference sparked horror and confusion among the pro-life community. Advocates for her appearance claimed that there is always a chance for her conversion, and surprisingly, Dr. Torres said in a recent interview that she no longer performs abortions. But - unsurprisingly - she still vehemently maintains her pro-abortion position, leaving us to wonder if her employer, Planned Parenthood of Utah, thought her tweet gave the public a little too accurate an insight into the true nature of abortion. Richard weighs in on the scandal.

Published in Right to Life
Saturday, 14 April 2018 09:43

5 Medical Reasons to Avoid Contraceptive Devices

All sources used in this article are either medical or secular, so there can be no accusation of a pro-life bias. Abortion providers and advocates are very eager these days to push Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (or LARCS) onto their patients. There have been more than a few studies on their use and uptake, with an abundance of advice for practitioners on how to increase their sales. It's been of particular interest to me, to note that abortion providers are very keen to fit women with LARCS right after an abortion.

Published in Contraception
Tuesday, 03 April 2018 21:20

The King Family and the Sanctity of Human Life

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King. The quote in the image accompanying this post is taken from King's "Letter From a Birmingham Jail."  Written in 1963, its sentiments still apply today to a range of evils that threaten to overwhelm the West: gender mainstreaming, political corruption, same-sex 'marriage', abortion. The following testimony is taken from the book, "King Rules", written by MLK's niece, Alveda King. The book is subtitled, 'Ten truths for you, your family, and our nation to prosper.' Alveda King is now a prominent pro-life activist, and assures those who would appropriate the legacy of MLK to promote abortion, that he was undoubtedly pro-life. The following extract describes Alveda's own tragic experience with abortion, and the pro-life philosophy that pervaded the King household. Note that the after-effects of abortion, as suffered by Alveda King, are similar to those experienced by many post-abortive women.  

Published in Right to Life

Abortionist Leah Torres is no stranger to controversy. She has a huge following on twitter and actively advocates for abortion, while educating - according to her personal brand of science - on the dangers of pregnancy. Last week, she drew heavy criticism from within and without the pro-life community for her comments about her abortion technique: "You know babies can't scream, right? I transect the cord first so there's really no opportunity. If they're even far enough along to have a larynx." Although like many others, I concluded that Torres was referring to the vocal cords, she says she was actually referring to the umbilical cord. [See Dave Pellowe's article and interview with Leah Torres here.] And, while umbilical cord transection is a technique that is sometimes used for second-trimester abortions, it has mixed outcomes for mothers. In any case, it seems irrelevant which cord is being cut: umbilical, vocal or spinal; for the abortionist, they all lead to the result they're after: a dead baby.  

Published in Abortion

[As a practising Catholic, it was interesting to read this account by Rissa Hann of her experience at the 2016 Day of the Unborn Child. For those who may not be aware, this annual pro-life event is held in the Sydney CBD on the Feast of the Annunciation, and it is unashamedly Catholic. I've added pictures from this year's event, but have left Rissa's text unchanged - Kathy.]  

Published in Abortion

Before exclusion-zones were introduced, the Melbourne Helpers of God's Precious Infants were able to help many women choose life for their children. On average, one mother and her baby were saved from abortion every month. That number has dwindled significantly, thanks to the totalitarian "Safe-Access Zones". But Richard Grant explains how God continues to provide for vulnerable mothers and their preborn children:  

Published in Abortion
Wednesday, 07 March 2018 22:49

Dear Gina, You're Helping Women Kill Their Babies

Buzzfeed's Gina Rushton recently published an article which attempted to discredit the work of pro-lifers in Perth. [Click here to read the article]. As well as providing the entertainment value that pro-aborts derive from mocking the pro-life community, the article added fuel to the fire of those pushing for exclusion-zones. As covered in other articles on this site, eg this one, there is a global movement by abortion providers to try to shut down prayerful witness outside abortion facilities. Without exception, this movement relies on a false premise for its momentum: the lie that pro-lifers 'harass' and 'intimidate' women. An integral part of this lie is the idea that pro-lifers tell nothing but falsehoods, while abortion providers tell nothing but the truth. And the media plays a very large part in promulgating these lies.  

Published in Abortion

 [This article first appeared on Dave Pellowe's website, Pellowe Talk, and is reproduced here with kind permission of the author.]   This video was recorded yesterday at Sydney University O Week. While the students of LifeChoice Sydney engaged in legal and peaceful dialogue with people both for and against abortion, pro-abortion-choice protesters abused and insulted them. Rebecca Gosper has a degree in human science and is the director of Life Choice Australia, an activist group in five different Australian University campuses aiming to positively influence culture for the sanctity of life. She joined me to discuss the science, data and logic these students are willfully ignorant of.

Published in Abortion

[With the Tasmanian elections to be held in just over a week, voters are doing their due diligence in order to make a moral choice at the polls. That task is quite difficult, given that abortion is part of the platform of two major parties, and permanently pencilled-in by the third.

Published in Abortion
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