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Displaying items by tag: Abortion

The abortion industry is well-known for its reliance on understatements and misrepresentation of fact in order to make its poisonous service more palatable to the public. One such euphemism is the term 'abortion stigma'. This handy new euphemism simultaneoulsy normalises abortion and derides those who believe in the sanctity of human life.
Published in Abortion
Tuesday, 30 April 2019 20:20

Is free speech dead?

Yes, free speech is dead in this country, killed by its very guardians, the High Court of Australia, and “liberal” civil libertarians.

Published in Freedom of Speech

The 'clump of cells' argument is wearing pretty thin - especially when abortionists and other advocates agree that abortion takes the life of a fully human child.

Published in Abortion

Here in Australia, was it that day in October 2008 when the Victorian parliament made abortion on demand legal up until 24 weeks of pregnancy? [Note: with signatures from two doctors, abortion is available to 40 weeks - Ed]. Or was it some years before that when the parliament of the Australian Capital Territory made abortion on demand legal right up until birth? I would suggest that it was on neither of those dates, but some time much earlier still. 

Published in Abortion
Wednesday, 10 April 2019 21:05

High Court upholds abortion buffer zone laws

In an important decision on free speech issues, the High Court of Australia, in its decision in Clubb v Edwards; Preston v Avery [2019] HCA 11 (10 April 2019), has upheld the validity of laws in Victoria and Tasmania prohibiting communication about abortion within 150m of an abortion clinic. The decision may have serious implications for free speech about other issues on which religious believers have deep-seated convictions contrary to the general orthodoxy of modern Australian society.

Published in Abortion

Australians will be going to the polls in May, with only two possible outcomes: a Liberal government, headed by Scott Morrison, which will be ostensibly 'conservative' or 'right-wing', or a Labor government, a 'progressive' or 'left-wing' one, led by Bill Shorten. As with last year's Viktorian state election, the watchword among Christians, especially pro-lifer Christians, is "keep Labor out." However, in that election, despite intese lobbying, Labor stayed in power and significantly, enjoyed a swing in its favour across most of the state.

Published in Abortion
Thursday, 28 March 2019 12:48

What IS EMILY’s List?

Dave Pellowe interviews Teeshan Johnson, the Executive Director of Cherish Life Qld, about this insidious organisation that has an invisible hand in every Parliament in Australia. What extreme agendas do EMILY’s List members have for Australia’s future? What have they already achieved without the general public knowing who was behind it?

Published in Abortion
Wednesday, 27 March 2019 00:15

Four pro-life victories you may have missed

While this may not qualify as a ‘victory’ in the sense that it’s the result of a targeted campaign by pro-lifers, it certainly is a victory for life, as Australian mothers will now have more restricted access to dangerous tele-med abortions. The harmful drugs used in the medical abortion protocol have led to serious side-effects and even death among women worldwide. And, in yet another example of the abortion industry’s dishonest approach, women who access medical abortions are not told that reversal is available.

Published in Abortion
Tuesday, 12 March 2019 10:19

US & UK Buffer Zones by Matt Britton

Matt Britton serves as the chairman of the board  and general counsel for 40 Days for Life. He has had an expansive legal career including four terms as an elected prosecutor; a county attorney; counsel to many not-for-profits and U.S. companies operating around the world; a major law firm litigator; and general counsel. Matt has written and spoken countless times on a wide range of legal and pro-life issues in locations across the United States as well as England, Japan, Colombia, Mexico, Korea, Singapore, Brazil, China, and locations across the European Union.

Published in The Freedoms Project
Monday, 11 March 2019 10:16

The single most important election issue

The Australian Labor Party today announced a new campaign policy: their intention to make abortion on demand legal & free across Australia. With this single policy they have made it impossible for any authentic Christian to vote for them, much less stay silent on the sidelines of this impending federal election.

Published in Abortion
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