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Monday, 31 December 2018 15:33

Our Top 10 Articles of 2018

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 It's been our pleasure to write for you and to read your comments, whether on social media, here on the site or via email. Your support makes the hate-mail worth it! May Jesus Christ always be our Lord and King, enlighten us with His truth and continue to lead us into true freedom during 2019. 

Number 10

12 More Consequences of Redefining Marriage: this article is a followup to our most popular post of all-time, 55 Consequences of Redefining Marriage, which was written during Australia's marriage debate. 12 More Consequences looks at more recent acts of discrimination against proponents of traditional marriage. Click here to read the article: 

Number 9

When an Abortionist is the Star, the Babies are the Losers: This story caused a bit of controversy at the time it was published, since members of Australia's version of the 'New Pro-Life Movement' defended, tooth and nail,  their decision to host an abortionist. Their strategy did them no favours, however, since abortion was later legalised in their state of Queensland. A cautionary tale for all pro-life revisionists, if ever there was one. 

Number 8

Chastity and Abortion: Interview with Jason Evert: This article is one of my favourites. God arranged for me to be able to unexpectedly meet Jason Evert and spend around 20 minutes with him before a talk. We had a nice chat and shared a few laughs about my 'small' family. Then Facebook censored the article, claiming it 'violated community standards.' A memorable week, all 'round. Click here to read the interview: 

Number 7

Safe-Access Zones: Surprisingly, the Safe-Access Zones page features in the Top 10 this year. Or maybe that's not so surprising, considering that our legal challenge to these zones made it to the High Court in October. Hopefully some visitors to the site had their minds changed about the real nature of our witness at Australia's abortion mills: we are there to offer help and to present the truth about abortion with love and compassion. You can read more here

Number 6

55 Consequences of Redefining Marriage:This article was our most widely-read last year, and has been popular in 2018 as well. To me, this shows the level of concern that ordinary Australians have about the meaning of marriage being changed to accomodate same-sex couples. You can read the article here: 

Number 5

Plibersek's Classic Doublespeak Targets the Unborn: Richard Grant's article exposed the toxic rhetoric of Labor politician, Tanya Plibersek, who said that 'it seems tragic that a woman would bring a child into the world for no reason other than she couldn’t afford to have a termination”.' Her comments are a classic case of evil being called good. Click here to read the article: 

Number 4

"I don't care if I die, I'm not going to kill our baby" Kirk Barkers' dramatic testimony tells how his wife walked out of an abortion mill just moments before allowing their child to be killed. It was the actions of a pro-life advocate outside the abortion facility who inspired her to choose life for her son. Read more here

Number 3

Nauru Gov't to Kerryn Phelps: 'Get your facts right!' The popularity of this recent article shows how concerned Australians are about unregulated migration by pseudo 'refugees'. It also shows how easy it is to find evidence that conditions on Nauru are simply not that bad, except where created by detainees themselves. You can click here to read the article: 

Number 2

Are Pedophiles Writing Your Child's Curriculum? This article from 2017 was still very popular, no doubt due to the sustained push for highly sexualised school curricula, such as the Safe-Schools programme. You can read it here

Number 1

Irish Officials linked to Big Pharma and Big Abortion: Our most popular article this year exposed links between the politicians who introduced abortion into Ireland and the abortion industry itself. Those policy-makers stand to gain materially from the legalisation of abortion and its accompanying destruction of the 8th Amendment, which previously protected the lives of pre-born Irish babies. Most of the evidence was 'hiding in plain sight'; it took only a few leads from some Irish friends, to whom I am indebted, to enable the threads to be drawn together. Read the article here: 

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Kathy Clubb

Founder and Editor of The Freedoms Project

Kathy has been active in pro-life work for 6 years and was involved in a constitutional challenge to Victoria’s exclusion-zone laws. She is the Melbourne co-ordinator for Family Life International and is a member of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. Kathy began writing about pro-life and Catholic issues at Light up the but broadened her range of topics as she came to learn more about the many threats to freedom which are common to all Christians.

Kathy home-educates her youngest 6 children and considers her family to be her most important pro-life work.