Displaying items by tag: abortion law reform
Zero Net Liberalism in New South Wales, Ten Years On
The New South Wales Liberal-led Government recently turned ten. Is there anything to celebrate in the Premier State?
Ardern, Abortion, Vaccines and the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand
The destruction of unborn proceeds unchecked across the Tasman, following radical legislative change. Juxtapose this to the misplaced faith in vaccines to
protect life. The Catholic Bishops of New Zealand seem to have strange priorities. Our Kiwi correspondent explains.
The Slaughter of the South Australian Innocents
The vile South Australian abortion bill has passed the House of Assembly. Its smooth passage was inadvertently aided by some slipshod, though well-meaning, opposition to the legislation. In ceding ground to the radicals, right-to-life proponents just make the passage of this kind of legislation all too easy.
Church and State in the Age of Covid
The Christian churches, their beliefs, their sacred practices and their pastors are under attack. From new atheists, secularists, progressives - and from the state itself. The state's assumption of extraordinary and dictatorial powers during the year of Covid has not been without impact on the Church. The Covid state has imposed all sorts of restrictions on the faithful. Caesar has taken more than his due.
World's worst abortion law is smuggled in under Covid-19 cover
We wake on the Solemnity of St Joseph, patron saint of families, to the news that New Zealand is now a world leader in baby-killing.
Two-Thirds of NZ MPs say babies may be left to die
Shame is the name New Zealand wears this day, after last night refusing any legal right to medical care of our nation's smallest citizens; of babies born alive, in terrible pain, after botched abortions.
MPs: please prove Kiwis are not all 'smiling zombies'
The Second Reading of the infamous Abortion Legislation Bill will likely happen this Wednesday night. If your Member of Parliament voted for it at the First Reading, you must ask him/her to oppose it now.
Abortion and babies born alive
We have to think about whether we are arguing that pregnancies should not be terminated at gestations that necessitate different methods, or whether we are arguing that they should be more effectively killed before delivery.
Why #ArrestUs won't help decriminalise abortion
A group of women from New South Wales have started a campaign to draw attention to abortion law reform in the state. But what they don't seem to understand is that these days, only pro-lifers get arrested.
Begging the question on the abortion bill
In the last week, a major debate has restarted in New South Wales about abortion. Most of the commentary however, begs the question and dances around the central issue. The real issue, is not doctors conscience rights, certifying consultants, or whether carrying out an abortion at 39 weeks is too late. It is not a political debate about whether the Berejiklian Government is riding roughshod over the Liberal Party's voter base. The real debate is over whether killing unborn humans as acceptable.