Displaying items by tag: catholic
Let's Redefine Marriage to Include Single Parents
After a week of engaging in some ugly online discussions, I've begun to wonder if I should be defending marriage so vehemently. After all, I'm a single mother - another victim of the sexual revolution and its poison. So who's to say that my household is something less than it could be? Here are some issues related to same-sex marriage applied to a single-parent marriage: 1. My family and I feel hurt Yes, my children and I do feel hurt when we see the topic of marriage being discussed so openly on television, in print and on social media. We hurt when we see articles about Christian marriage, about Catholic marriage, and about the damage done by divorce. I hurt when I have to explain that I have an annulment and what that means. I spend my time defending traditional marriage and am called a bigot or pedophile-enabler for my trouble. I feel very hurt, sometimes to the point of tears, when my opposition throws up the divorce-rate of heterosexuals - and I'm part of that statistic.