Displaying items by tag: planned parenthood
The battle between storks and vultures
Mothers and fathers have long avoided discussions about sex when their curious kids ask awkward questions about where their little brothers and sisters came from. For hundreds of years, parents have explained the arrival of the newest additions to their family by sharing the myth of the noble stork.
Abortion and 9/11
The spectre of the terror attacks perpetrated on US soil nineteen years ago still haunts the world’s collective memory. For members of the pro-life community, there is extra significance.
Planned Parenthood's Proud Passion: Baby Killing
As if we still needed proof: the firing of Dr. Leana Wen by Planned Parenthood after just nine months in the top job tells us all we need to know about the world’s largest baby killing machine. For daring to suggest that PP should actually offer real medical help to women, and not just push abortion as its top priority, she was unceremoniously dumped.
God's hand behind the movie 'Unplanned'
The movie, 'Unplanned', based on the experiences of former planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, has been making waves and changing hearts since its release in the US. Dave Pellowe has produced this interview with the writer/directors of the movie.
Pro-abortion billboard: 'It was just health-care'
It should be no surprise that abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, would want to take the baby-killing industry's' 'shout your abortion' campaign to the next level. Because that's exactly what PP have done with their new billboard campaign in the US state of Iowa. The campaign is being run in response to a recently-passed heartbeat bill, which effectively bans most abortions once a baby's heartbeat is detected, that is, around 6 week's gestation. Although narrow exemptions apply, the new law would ensure that doctors 'conduct an abdominal ultrasound to test for a fetal heartbeat on any woman seeking an abortion. If that heartbeat is detected, a physician cannot perform an abortion.'
The Fascist Founder of Planned Parenthood
"Birth control: more children from the fit, less from the unfit.” “No woman or man shall have the right to become a parent without a permit for parenthood.”
These quotes are from Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), the founder of Planned Parenthood. They are given by Elasah Drogin in her book Margaret Sanger: Father of Modern Society, a work which outlines the life and activity of the woman who founded Planned Parenthood, the organisation which has killed millions of pre-born babies. Unpleasant facts about the life and opinions of Margaret Sanger are ignored by her modern admirers, but they need to be seen if we are to fully understand the background of the current advocacy of abortion and of other evils.
Late-Term Abortion and Other Atrocities
Almost 10 years ago, Victoria became the first Australian state to decriminalise abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Tasmania followed in 2013. Now Queensland abortion activists are trying a second time to decriminalise abortion to full term in that state. This article looks at some of the inhumane aspects of these barbaric procedures. [A note on the use of the phrase 'late-term' abortion: there is some division over the use of this name to describe the deliberate termination of pregnancy past the first trimester. Some, including abortion providers, do not believe it to be medically accurate. But because the name is widely-accepted, I have stuck with it for this article, which focuses on deliberate abortions performed after 20 weeks' gestation.]
No Common Ground Between Good and Evil
Richard Grant writes that giving a prominent abortionist a platform at a pro-life conference is a grave disservice to the cause of the unborn. As covered in a previous article, the presence of Leah Torres, famous for her callous 'cord-cutting' tweet, at the Abortion Rethink conference sparked horror and confusion among the pro-life community. Advocates for her appearance claimed that there is always a chance for her conversion, and surprisingly, Dr. Torres said in a recent interview that she no longer performs abortions. But - unsurprisingly - she still vehemently maintains her pro-abortion position, leaving us to wonder if her employer, Planned Parenthood of Utah, thought her tweet gave the public a little too accurate an insight into the true nature of abortion. Richard weighs in on the scandal.
How I Was Almost a Victim of Planned Parenthood
I feel like I have aged a thousand years since June 15, 2015. That is the day videos were released that showed a sting on illegal practices at Planned Parenthood. I have been agitated, upset and at uneasy since they aired. I have hardly slept and my mind has become troubled. I am troubled because me and my baby almost became victims of Planned Parenthood. I say victims correctly because I feel like a victim of rape or molestation due to Planned Parenthood’s unethical practices. I have come to see that Planned Parenthood is an abuser like any other. They use shame, manipulation and deceit like an abuser. An abuser of woman, babies and souls.