Displaying items by tag: right to life
Covid and Euthanasia
The NSW Parliament considers granting a right to assisted dying. To the old and infirm. We are killing them off already.
Ardern, Abortion, Vaccines and the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand
The destruction of unborn proceeds unchecked across the Tasman, following radical legislative change. Juxtapose this to the misplaced faith in vaccines to
protect life. The Catholic Bishops of New Zealand seem to have strange priorities. Our Kiwi correspondent explains.
Academic research describes how professionals self-censor on abortion
The truth about abortion can be hard to find, especially for those who do not look, and who do not dig. The killing goes on, and those who profit from the killing hide the truth. Dr Debbie Garratt, with help from Kathy Thompson, lifts the lid.
Killing Amanda Stoker
Amanda Stoker is a Queensland Senator of immense talent, traditional views and spine. A rare combo in the Liberal Party these days. Naturally she has been shafted, being consigned to a lowly position on the ticket for the next election. The result says plenty about Australian politics.
Australian Parliaments Abrogate Their First Duty as Governments
The first and principal duty of government is to protect the nation's citizenry. Political philosophers back as far as Thomas Hobbes have understood this. When governments embrace the culture of death, epitomised by abortion and euthanasia, they abrogate their most basic responsibility. Worse, they abandon the most vulnerable in society. No amount of post-modernist sophistry will ever change this.
Expanding the Killing Fields to South Australia
A wave of anti-life legislation has been sweeping across the states and territories of Australia. South Australia, fresh from its political assault on the unborn, and perhaps further emboldened by it, is now setting its sights, again, on the frail aged. Based on dodgy poll findings. As is now the norm, the Liberal Party cannot be relied upon to protect life.
The Slaughter of the South Australian Innocents
The vile South Australian abortion bill has passed the House of Assembly. Its smooth passage was inadvertently aided by some slipshod, though well-meaning, opposition to the legislation. In ceding ground to the radicals, right-to-life proponents just make the passage of this kind of legislation all too easy.
Another American Abortion Election
The right to life is never far away from the heart of American politics. The recent US election was no different. The reason that Democrats experience total meltdown over all things Trump, especially in relation to nominations to the Supreme Court, mostly comes back to the core feminist demand for the right to abortion.
World's worst abortion law is smuggled in under Covid-19 cover
We wake on the Solemnity of St Joseph, patron saint of families, to the news that New Zealand is now a world leader in baby-killing.
Two-Thirds of NZ MPs say babies may be left to die
Shame is the name New Zealand wears this day, after last night refusing any legal right to medical care of our nation's smallest citizens; of babies born alive, in terrible pain, after botched abortions.