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Displaying items by tag: Abortion

Sunday, 29 September 2019 20:42

Pro-Life Apologetics Refresher

FLI will be teaming up with Life Choice for a couple of events in Melbourne in the coming months. In preparation for this, I’ve had to refresh my memory with some basic apologetics and have realised again the importance of systematic education and training in order to dialogue meaningfully about the harm caused by abortion.

Published in Abortion
Friday, 13 September 2019 09:44

Never give up - standing for the unborn

We all need to pray for and emulate prolife campaigner Mary Wagner.

Published in Abortion
Friday, 13 September 2019 02:57

Abortion and 9/11

The spectre of the terror attacks perpetrated on US soil nineteen years ago still haunts the world’s collective memory. For members of the pro-life community, there is extra significance.

Published in Abortion
Wednesday, 04 September 2019 01:25

Our 'Christian' Prime Minister is a cowardly politician

In August, the Sydney Morning Herald reported on Scott Morrison saying that although he is 'conservative' on abortion, he is leaving it to others to "have their own view on this and to articulate it as they see fit". Augusto Zimmerman responds by calling out ScoMo's cowardice.

Published in Abortion
Tuesday, 03 September 2019 02:39

Killing babies for sexual pleasure

Like other animals, we are driven to reproduce. Unlike other animals, we have perverted our intelligence to unnaturally kill our own young to avoid the responsibility of caring for them, even when we or others can. More disturbingly, some among us have coupled their sexuality with the violence of abortion to enhance the intimacy of their relationship.

Published in Abortion

This meticulously researched document explains the direct link to the abortions involved, the cell lines created and gives footnote links to the science documents which describe the work of the scientists who use aborted babies to create vaccines.

Published in Abortion

 The 45th G7 summit was held last week in Biarritz, France and covered the kind of social-engineering agenda that has come to be expected from similar globalist conferences: climate strategy, radical feminism and extreme abortion policies.

Published in Abortion

The U.S. Senate confirmed their top diplomat at the United Nations last week, Kelly Knight Craft. She now faces several major challenges if she is to succeed in executing President Trump’s international pro-life agenda.

Published in Abortion
Tuesday, 06 August 2019 19:55

Why #ArrestUs won't help decriminalise abortion

A group of women from New South Wales have started a campaign to draw attention to abortion law reform in the state. But what they don't seem to understand is that these days, only pro-lifers get arrested.

Published in Abortion
Tuesday, 06 August 2019 08:34

Begging the question on the abortion bill

In the last week, a major debate has restarted in New South Wales about abortion. Most of the commentary however, begs the question and dances around the central issue. The real issue, is not doctors conscience rights, certifying consultants, or whether carrying out an abortion at 39 weeks is too late. It is not a political debate about whether the Berejiklian Government is riding roughshod over the Liberal Party's voter base. The real debate is over whether killing unborn humans as acceptable.

Published in Abortion
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