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Wednesday, 04 September 2019 01:25

Our 'Christian' Prime Minister is a cowardly politician

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In August, the Sydney Morning Herald reported on Scott Morrison saying that although he is 'conservative' on abortion, he is leaving it to others to "have their own view on this and to articulate it as they see fit".

The strongly pro-life National MP, Barnaby Joyce, had apparently tried to convince Morrison to publicly take a stand against the New South Wales abortion bill, but to no avail. Instead, Scott Morrison said:

"It's not a matter before the Commonwealth Parliament nor is it one I'm seeking to have brought before the Commonwealth Parliament. [It's] a matter of conscience for [New South Wales legislators] so I wish them all the best. I have what I would describe as 'conservative' views on this issue as people know I have on other issues. That's really all I think I need to say."


In response to this failure to address the inhumanity of abortion, Perth scholar Augusto Zimmerman had some strong comments to make:


Australia has a "Christian" Prime Minister who cowardly refuses to publicly manifest his opinion on the subject of abortion.

Does he actually support abortion or is he just too much of a coward and gutless politician, who is too afraid to express his personal opinion?

"From my point of view, it is not my job to divide ordinary Australians on these matters”, ScoMo says.

And not only he completely washes his hands, but also disingenuously contends that abortion is a legal matter for the states to resolve and is not an issue over which his government has any jurisdiction.

As a constitutional lawyer, I must inform this confused individual that abortion is actually a federal government issue, because taxpayers have no choice but fund most abortions through Medicare, hiding abortions under the category of D & C.

Because ScoMo has always been a great source of disappointment to me when it comes to upholding Christian values, I no longer expect anything good to come from this so called "Christian" PM.

Prof Augusto Zimmermann