This is What Progressives Think About Your Freedoms
Written by Kathy ClubbOne of the major differences between conservatives and progressives is that we demand protections for all citizens, whereas in general, progressives demand rights for their adherents exclusively. This difference has been particularly noticeable during the campaign for marriage equality, although it shows up across the board. Progressives have taken to openly criticising us for our desire to preserve our freedoms. Gay rights activist, Rodney Croome, goes so far as to say that for conservatives - whom Croome refers to as the radical right - the fear of losing freedoms is actually an attempt to gain power:
This letter was sent to me by a reader who felt that Christians are being misunderstood for their stance against redefining marriage. Please share this with gay friends or family members who may be having trouble understanding our point of view.
I have a friend who has worked assiduously for many years to expose the dangers of pursuing a harm minimisation approach in regard to illicit drugs. I am sure he has been greatly motivated by the experience of losing a son to this evil.
Imagine my surprise when reading the latest issue of The Economist magazine to see that the concept of harm minimisation has been applied by that journal to the subject of female genital mutilation (FGM). If you don’t believe me, click here:
In a Leader article they argue “It is therefore time to consider a new approach. Instead of trying to stamp FGM out entirely, governments should ban the worst forms, permit those that cause no lasting harm and try to persuade parents to choose the least nasty version, or none at all.”
Not only does a pregnant mother have a right to choose, as a moral being she has a duty to choose: to choose life over death for her baby.....another human being.