Marcus L'Estrange
Commentator, Writer, Whistleblower
Marcus’ major papers are on (1) the dodgy monthly unemployment figures and their deadly effects and (2) Saving Working Class Education from the Educational Left (the Joan Kirnerites). Both are available via marcuslestrange@yahoo.com.au Other, short papers are on The Bubble Zone and Abortion on Demand. His two guiding principles and golden rules are: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ hopefully and, the golden rule of life? The people who have the gold, rule.
Marcus spent most of his working life in the old Commonwealth Employment Service before having to get out because he spoke about the REAL unemployment effects and their deadly effects. Additionally, he was also forced out of the Education Department for being a whistleblower. The above paper elaborates.
Escaping the Herd Instinct.
In facing up to ‘Group Think’ or ‘The Herd Instinct’, or ‘go with the flow, be modern, with it etc., believing in the majority view point, getting your views from ‘The Age’ and other similar media, to vote Yes to homosexual 'marriage', some things should be remembered as to why there is a crushing emptiness. Groupthink usually means you have handed over your mind, body, soul, conscience to the head of the herd or the master of Groupthink, to tell you what to think, say and do. This is the case in the good ‘ol’ of USA where the masses have fallen mindlessly, for example the National Riflemen’s Association and their complete opposition to gun control and the dire consequences.
Brick Walls and Barricades in the Victorian Republik
Marcus L'Estrange relates his recent experiences in the Republik of Viktoria: trying to talk sense into Reichskommissariat Merlino, the Education Minister, then navigating a human barricade of LGBTI protesters.
DISSIng Parents?
Bill Leak's Last Speech
"Ladies and gentlemen, I know it’s International Women’s Day so first I must apologise for not being a woman. It’s particularly regrettable that I’m not a glamorous Sudanese-Egyptian-Australian woman who wears a hijab promoting a book about what it’s like being a glamorous Sudanese-Egyptian-Australian woman who wears a hijab. If I was, this wouldn’t be the only event I’ve got lined up on my non-government funded whirlwind Trigger Warning awareness-raising tour. When I met the great cartoonist Bill Mitchell about 34 years ago, he said, “Mate, a cartoonist only has to be funny once a day, but it’s a lot harder than you’d think.” He was right, but he had no idea how much harder it would be for me than it ever was for him.
The Bubble Zone
At the beginning of 2015, the Victorian ALP Government rightly removed the Coalition's "move on" laws from the statute book. Rightly so, as the laws were intended really to prevent unions protesting. The laws were seen as an unfair restriction on free speech, with Attorney General, Martin Pakula, proclaiming that: "Victoria doesn't need Bjelke-Petersen-style laws designed to silence dissent and outlaw peaceful protests." At year's end, a total back flip by Victorian Labor with its MPs denied a free vote and totally under the thumb of Emily's List. Why not a conscience vote? After all the issue, like 2008, was about abortion on demand and not about a mother’s health.
Right to Choose
Not only does a pregnant mother have a right to choose, as a moral being she has a duty to choose: to choose life over death for her baby.....another human being.