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Displaying items by tag: Christianity

Monday, 24 June 2019 10:38

Folau, the Left and double standards

Go Fund Me have pulled the campaign to raise money for Israel Folau's legal defence - all in name of tolerance.

Published in Religious Freedom

It was a tense and chaotic scene at the South Hill Public Library in Spokane, Washington, last Saturday, June 15, and now both sides in this controversy are preparing for a second round of the Drag Queen Story Hour, which targets toddlers and pre-teens. 

Published in Gender Mainstreaming
Saturday, 15 June 2019 05:44

20 questions for the "Infiltration" skeptics

Some pertinent questions for those Catholics who disagree with the main thesis of Taylor Marshall's book, Infiltration, and who may be sceptical about the level of crisis existing in the Church today. 

Published in Catholic
Wednesday, 15 May 2019 20:11

Religious Freedom and the Federal Election

Australia goes to the polls in a Federal election on May 18, 2019. It seems worthwhile to note, for those interested, some recent information about the views of the major political parties on religious freedom, and to report an important study of public opinion on the topic.

Published in Religious Freedom

Most Western media personnel, politicians, and commentators will overwhelmingly have one standard for Muslims and another for Christians – both in terms of what they do and what is done to them. The double standards here are as odious as they are obvious. And we again have a perfect example of this with the way  Christchurch and Sri Lanka have been handled.

Published in Islam

It’s wonderful news that all of a sudden Rugby Union Australia believe in God, Heaven & Hell. Many of us had been under the distinct impression they were largely indifferent to Christian theology & doctrine. All that was cleared up marvelously though when they judged the record try scorer of all time, Israel Folau, to be more immoral than the philandering, drunken cokeheads which litter the various Australian football codes.

Published in Religious Freedom
Monday, 15 April 2019 21:16

Folau's Foolish Wisdom

Israel Folau has lost his job (or come very close to it) for quoting Scripture on social media. That statement should make us think long and hard about the state of religious freedom in Australia. The football star has exposed a huge divide that exists among the Australian public by preaching basic Christian doctrine, but his comments are a challenge to all of us to defend the Truth, no matter what the cost.

Published in Religious Freedom

In an age where reason and logic are not exactly the flavour of the month, sloppy thinking abounds. Public discourse has taken a big hit with plenty of talking heads offering us just plain nonsense. They can throw out utterly illogical and contradictory statements and think they are giving us great contributions to a discussion or debate.

Published in Marxism
Wednesday, 23 January 2019 22:46

Gaga, Pence, and Christianity

We live in dark times. There is just no getting around that fact. Truth no longer means anything, feelings trump everything, and confusion abounds as to even the basics in life. Now we can’t even tell if someone is a boy or a girl, and we are said to be hateful and bigoted if we even try. Sadly, as anyone who seeks to present truth in the public arena and the social media knows, this has massively impacted our churches as well. Today most young people who call themselves Christians know little or nothing about their own faith, run on emotions, and tend to just drift along with the dominant secular culture. The church in the West is in a real bad way as a result, and things will likely only get worse. And as one of the most recent examples of this, consider the recent uproar taking place over Mike Pence, his wife, and Lady Gaga.

Published in Christianity
Wednesday, 02 January 2019 17:47

Forgetting Christmas: The Greatest Story Never Told

A friend posted something today on the social media that caught my attention. It concerned a rather disturbing fact: one half of all Russian young people know nothing about their own nation’s murderous Communist past, including the Gulag, the crimes of Stalin, and so on. I chipped in by saying that just as worrying is the likely fact that probably a full three quarters of Australian and American young people don’t know about this either. The dumbing down of our young people, including their blatant historical illiteracy, is a huge worry indeed. Being ignorant of one’s own history is a recipe for disaster – as history proves. But of course we will never learn the lessons of history if we do not know history. So things will simply get worse as more and more people are cast adrift from their own past, and any knowledge of it.

Published in Christianity
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