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Friday, 07 September 2018 18:19

Submission to the QLD Termination of Pregnancy Bill Committee

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Details of the bill can be found here on the Queensland Parliament website.

Submission by Debbie Garratt

Debbie Garratt, of Real Choices Australia, made a lengthy submission, comprised of excellent arguments, backed up by evidence. Her submission can be accessed here: 2018-Submission-QLD-RCA (1) Included in her submission is a report by Priscilla Coleman into the relationship between abortion and mental health issues. The report os a meta-analysis of dozens of studies about the after-effects of abortion. Also attached is evidence of the ignorance surrounding current abortion law in Queensland.

[Another contributor to The Freedoms Project, Dave Pellowe, also made a submission, which included many classic pro-life arguments from a natural law point of view. Dave's submission can be read here] 

Debbie Garratt

Researcher and Counsellor

Debbie Garratt is a Doctoral Researcher and Registered Nurse, founder of Real Choices Australia, a research and education organisation dedicated to ensuring the dissemination of accurate information about the needs of women experiencing challenges during pregnancy and early parenting, and about the adverse impact of abortion.   Underpinned by experience across a range of sectors as a counsellor and adult educator for almost 3 decades, along with 2 Bachelor Degrees and a Master’s Degree, Debbie’s expertise on the issues of abortion and coercion, and breaking down the ideological barriers to abortion discussion is highly sought both nationally and internationally.

Through the Pregnancy and Parenting Care Network, Debbie has developed standards of practise for pregnancy support services and professional development education programs which are used nationally and internationally.