Displaying items by tag: right to life
Korean hospital aborts wrong mother's child
Pro-Life Apologetics Refresher
FLI will be teaming up with Life Choice for a couple of events in Melbourne in the coming months. In preparation for this, I’ve had to refresh my memory with some basic apologetics and have realised again the importance of systematic education and training in order to dialogue meaningfully about the harm caused by abortion.
Serial killer, Ulrich Klopfer, dies surrounded by thousands of his victims
Abortion and babies born alive
We have to think about whether we are arguing that pregnancies should not be terminated at gestations that necessitate different methods, or whether we are arguing that they should be more effectively killed before delivery.
"Comfort Rooms" for aborted babies: Jill Stanek's testimony
Jill was a registered nurse in the Labor & Delivery Department at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. In the late 1990's, she discovered that, not only were abortions being committed there, but babies were being aborted alive to die without medical care. In response to Jill's exposé, the hospital began to provide a shockingly incongruent service, the "Comfort Room' for aborted babies.
Never give up - standing for the unborn
Abortion and 9/11
The spectre of the terror attacks perpetrated on US soil nineteen years ago still haunts the world’s collective memory. For members of the pro-life community, there is extra significance.
Our 'Christian' Prime Minister is a cowardly politician
In August, the Sydney Morning Herald reported on Scott Morrison saying that although he is 'conservative' on abortion, he is leaving it to others to "have their own view on this and to articulate it as they see fit". Augusto Zimmerman responds by calling out ScoMo's cowardice.
G7 provides platform for extreme abortion policies
The 45th G7 summit was held last week in Biarritz, France and covered the kind of social-engineering agenda that has come to be expected from similar globalist conferences: climate strategy, radical feminism and extreme abortion policies.
New UN Ambassador's challenges executing Trump pro-life foreign policy
The U.S. Senate confirmed their top diplomat at the United Nations last week, Kelly Knight Craft. She now faces several major challenges if she is to succeed in executing President Trump’s international pro-life agenda.