C-Fam was founded in the summer of 1997 in order to monitor and affect the social policy debate at the United Nations and other international institutions. C-Fam is a non-partisan, non-profit research institute dedicated to reestablishing a proper understanding of international law, protecting national sovereignty and the dignity of the human person. C-Fam personnel have participated in every major UN social policy debate since 1997 including the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court, the Convention on Disabilities, Cairo+5, Beijing+5 and dozens of others.
French authorities kill paralyzed man
French authorities have ignored the UN Disability Committee and have euthanised a French man. Starting more than a week ago, and culminating on Wednesday with his death, doctors decided deliberately to kill Vincent Lambert.
WHO report endorses self-abortion
The idea of self-induced abortion has a long history as a scare tactic in legal debates over abortion both in the United States and around the world. Abortion advocates wielding coat hangers have argued that abortion should be a decision left to women and their doctors.
European nationalists complacent when it comes to abortion
European nationalist parties have tended to sound pro-life and pro-family in order to gain power, but they have been unwilling to put an end to international European advocacy for abortion and LGBT rights.
Scholars Accuse UK Government of Censoring Research Findings
Study finds 23 million girls are missing due to sex-selective abortion
Sex-selective abortion has caused the premature death of over 23 million females, according to the first-ever systematic global study of sex ratio imbalance.
Secretary General Calls for UN to Curtail Free Speech
The World Health Organisation Says "Men" Can Get Abortions
(NEW YORK - C-Fam) The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued medical guidance on abortion intended to reflect the latest scientific evidence in the field. However, its most apparent change was cultural rather than medical. This new report began by insisting it is not only females who can become pregnant, but so can women who think they are men, that is, “those with varying gender identities.”