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Friday, 11 January 2019 09:50

Yes, They Have Declared War on Children

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It used to be that the best way to ascertain how civilised and compassionate a culture is was to see how they treated their most vulnerable – especially their own children. This had always been a good test of a caring culture. But it seems that in the West today we have turned that principle on its head. We now seem intent on destroying our children, and we happily use government policy to do so. A state-led war on children has been declared, and the casualties are mounting up. Of course I and others have documented this assault on our children for decades now. It is happening all over the West. No place seems immune from this ongoing war on our children and their innocence. Let me offer three recent shocking examples of how this is being played out in just one place: the Australian state of Western Australia. It seems the Labor Government there is so committed to radical social engineering ideology that children are mere fodder for their political manoeuvring.

Monday, 07 January 2019 16:23

Pro-abortion billboard: 'It was just health-care'

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It should be no surprise that abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, would want to take the baby-killing industry's' 'shout your abortion' campaign to the next level. Because that's exactly what PP have done with their new billboard campaign in the US state of Iowa. The campaign is being run in response to a recently-passed heartbeat bill, which effectively bans most abortions once a baby's heartbeat is detected, that is, around 6 week's gestation. Although narrow exemptions apply, the new law would ensure that doctors 'conduct an abdominal ultrasound to test for a fetal heartbeat on any woman seeking an abortion. If that heartbeat is detected, a physician cannot perform an abortion.'

Saturday, 05 January 2019 09:11

Our Vigil for the Voiceless

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Anne Rampa and her husband, Jim Dowling, are veteran pro-life activists of almost 4 decades. Last December, they were arrested for breaching an abortion mill exclusion-zone in Brisbane; and honoured the truth by stating that 'the law itself is a crime.' In this exclusive article, Anne writes of her experience - and how exclusion-zones have hampered their 35-year-old vigil for the voiceless.

Friday, 04 January 2019 16:49

The Double Standards of Liberals

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Context and explanation meant absolutely nothing to the outraged leftist media complex collaborating with self-interested politicians when accusing Senator Fraser Anning of Nazi levels of racism for saying the words “final solution”. Senator Anning declared, “In the days of Menzies, immigrants arriving here were not allowed to apply for welfare and that attracted exactly the right sort of hard-working people this country needed. We should go back to that and ban all immigrants receiving welfare for the first five years after they arrive. The final solution to the immigration problem is, of course, a popular vote.” Turnbull called the reference a “shocking insult” to the Jewish people. Left, right and centre, people rushed to condemn Fraser Anning’s entire speech on the strength of a phrase commonly associated with Adolf Hitler, despite the Senator’s protestations that he had not intended any reference to Nazism.

Thursday, 03 January 2019 19:22

Once-Catholic Ireland now provides free abortions

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At midnight on New Year's Day, the Republic of Ireland's new abortion law was enacted, following a referendum which showed massive support for legalisation. Despite a huge campaign to save the 8th Amendment - which had previously protected Ireland's pre-born babies -  and courageous opposition from pro-life politicians, years of poor catechesis coupled with injections of cash from pro-abortion globalists meant that the majority of the Irish people were ready to embrace legal child-killing. Irish doctors are outraged, since they are now obliged to refer for abortions, (and possibly to perform them!) and shockingly, will earn more for aborting babies than for caring for pregnant women throughout their pregnancies.

A friend posted something today on the social media that caught my attention. It concerned a rather disturbing fact: one half of all Russian young people know nothing about their own nation’s murderous Communist past, including the Gulag, the crimes of Stalin, and so on. I chipped in by saying that just as worrying is the likely fact that probably a full three quarters of Australian and American young people don’t know about this either. The dumbing down of our young people, including their blatant historical illiteracy, is a huge worry indeed. Being ignorant of one’s own history is a recipe for disaster – as history proves. But of course we will never learn the lessons of history if we do not know history. So things will simply get worse as more and more people are cast adrift from their own past, and any knowledge of it.

Monday, 31 December 2018 15:33

Our Top 10 Articles of 2018

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Well, it's that time of year when we look back over the last 12 months and thank God for His blessings and protection. It's also customary to examine our lives - our achievements and failures - to see what can be improved upon in the coming year. I'll certainly be spending some time in the next couple of weeks considering what improvements can be made to the website and its content. Below are the articles that you liked best and shared the most widely during 2018.

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