Bill Muehlenberg
Author, Blogger and Speaker
Bill Muehlenberg, who was born in America, lives in Melbourne. He is married to an Australian, Averil, and has three sons. He has a BA with honours in philosophy (Wheaton College, Chicago), a MA with highest honours in theology (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston), and is working on a PhD in theology. He is Secretary of the Family Council of Victoria. He was formerly the National Vice President of the Australian Family Association. He was formerly the National Research Coordinator at Focus on the Family.
He currently continues an independent ministry in pro-faith and pro-family activism. He is head of an apologetics/ethics ministry called CultureWatch, started in January 2006. This interactive blogsite features over 3,300 articles and 52,000 comments.
There May Be Some Hope Yet
"You Are Forbidden From Getting Help"
We live in shark infested waters, and Daniel Andrews is a shark. Never assume it is safe to go into the surf in these waters, as Andrews' proposed legislation banning "conversion therapy" shows.
Dan Andrews - Tear Down This Wall
On Corona Tracking Apps
As debates rage over the origins and impacts of COVID 19 and whether draconian government policy response here and overseas have been appropriate and effective, now there is a proposed tracking app that the Government is introducing. Bill Muehlenberg asks - What could go wrong with a Government App?
The Big Brother Purge of Conservative Christians in Australia
We love the planet, but we hate people
America, Trump and Abortion
Unprecedented prolife activities in the US:
Three things happened this week that have never happened before in the US. One, the Trump Administration issued an official prolife proclamation. Two, Trump attended the annual March for Life – the first time ever that a sitting President did such a thing. Three, he gave a stirring prolife speech at the march.
Churches, the Left and baby-killing
On Australia's Bushfires
What are we to make of the Israel Folau and Rugby Australia settlement?
It appears that they have kissed and made up – sort of. As most folks would have heard by now, the long-running stand-off between star rugby player Israel Folau and Rugby Australia has seemingly come to an end – with a confidential settlement just being reached.