Dave Pellowe
Speaker, conservative media host
Dave Pellowe is a seasoned communicator, political campaigner, and the host of online video talk shows, “Pellowe Talk”, “Church And State”, and “TheHeterodox.TV“. He’s interviewed notable Senators and Members of Parliament, media personalities, leading ethicists, authors, pastors, activists, lawyers and entrepreneurs in the fearless pursuit of Truth.
Lies, Damned Lies & Pro Abortion Media
The MSM's abortion narrative continues apace. In Western Australia, the lies continue to be inflicted on the public. Innocent lives continue to be lost.
Peer-reviewed, Nobel Prize-awarded scientific research retracted
People who consider “peer-reviewed science” alone or give it disproportionate weight when considering public policy are unhelpfully naive about the dynamic nature of science. They pour scorn on anyone questioning “peer-reviewed science” as a solid foundation for public policies with far-reaching social & economic ramifications.
This welcome to country has no place in Christianity
I love my Catholic brothers & sisters in Christ so much. Christianity has so much to learn from them in this generation about our prophetic voice to the nations on issues of Biblical justice and in ministering to those affected by abortion. So it breaks my heart to see a moment of unfettered pagan idolatry at their Youth Festival in Perth in recent days.
The anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is terribly inconvenient to the abortion industry
Eleanor Roosevelt called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), “humanity’s Magna Carta”. On 10 December 2019, it will be 71 years since the freshly formed and then still noble United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted the document, with only a few (mostly socialist) regimes abstaining.
Rita Panahi - you can't have it both ways – deliberately killing babies is always wrong
One of the best & brightest conservative commentators, Rita Panahi, said something unusually absurd on Twitter – and that’s saying something. Worse, leftist abortion-without-limits apologist Leah Torres called her on it, and she has a point.
HELP! My kid is being taught gender theory
Here’s one the email I received from a single mum with a seven year old son which prompted me to call Marijke “Political Posting Mumma” Rancie.
The State Religion is Relativism
Far from truly “secular” which used to mean the government neither imposed nor impeded personal beliefs, there is now an observable state-imposed belief system & worldview, and it’s fundamentally anti-Christian. Authentic Christianity is actually heretical to the political priests of relativism.
More confected outrage and censorship
A billboard in a paddock advising passing travelers, “A heart beats at four weeks,” has caused outrage and triggered a petition demanding its removal.
Science supports anti-abortion facts
Devastatingly for pro-abortion arguments, objectively 96% of biologists affirm human life begins at fertilisation.
Bye Bye Bernardi
Senator Cory Bernardi has had the wind knocked out of his sails by successive electoral defeats for his party. Hindsight is 20:20, and he should never have left the Liberal Party. The Australian Conservatives had all the potential in the world to bring a genuine conservative revolution to Australian politics, but not as a party in its own right.