Guest Post
The Incredible Kid
Just how ‘credible’ was The Kid’s testimony against Pell? [What follows is hard-going but I recommend you read it all and get to the end. The truth is revealed.]
"Comfort Rooms" for aborted babies: Jill Stanek's testimony
Jill was a registered nurse in the Labor & Delivery Department at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. In the late 1990's, she discovered that, not only were abortions being committed there, but babies were being aborted alive to die without medical care. In response to Jill's exposé, the hospital began to provide a shockingly incongruent service, the "Comfort Room' for aborted babies.
Our 'Christian' Prime Minister is a cowardly politician
In August, the Sydney Morning Herald reported on Scott Morrison saying that although he is 'conservative' on abortion, he is leaving it to others to "have their own view on this and to articulate it as they see fit". Augusto Zimmerman responds by calling out ScoMo's cowardice.
Begging the question on the abortion bill
In the last week, a major debate has restarted in New South Wales about abortion. Most of the commentary however, begs the question and dances around the central issue. The real issue, is not doctors conscience rights, certifying consultants, or whether carrying out an abortion at 39 weeks is too late. It is not a political debate about whether the Berejiklian Government is riding roughshod over the Liberal Party's voter base. The real debate is over whether killing unborn humans as acceptable.
Religious Freedom Campaign from the ICS
Many organisations around Australia are attempting to pressure the Morrison government into legislating to protect religious freedom. Of special concern is the attempt by the Greens and the ALP to remove 'religious exemptions' in anti-discrimination law. The ICS (Institute for Civil Society) has released a video and briefing paper to provide resources so that we can become more informed and also reach out to politicians.
Remembering Gosnell's victims
The crimes of Dr. Kermit Gosnell were a result of an opportunistic serial killer flourishing in a systematic, statewide failure at every level of regulation. When officials raided his offices in 2010, a 30 plus year nightmare began to unravel in the form of blood splattered walls, corpses of dead babies who had been brutally murdered, and a library of patient files that echoed the harsh reality that one of America’s most prolific serial killers had just been discovered.
Scott Morrison on Religious Freedom
In many regards, it may be true that there is litle difference between the major parties. But Scott Morrison is at least ostensibly in favour of religious freedom.
Banning Therapy, Banning Liberty
Note: This article first appeared at DavePellowe.com. Video footage is from the Church and State Summit 2019. The transcription and Dr van Gend’s bio are by Dave Pellowe.
Dr David van Gend is a Queensland GP and university lecturer in palliative medicine. For 25 years he has been a leading voice in national debates on the life issues of cloning, surrogacy, abortion and euthanasia, appearing on programs such as ABC Lateline, 7.30 Report, SBS Insight, the Kerri-Anne Show & Pellowe Talk.
God created our freedoms – not the State
Professor Augusto Zimmerman is a law lecturer, President of the Western Australia Legal Theory Association, and editor-in-chief of the Western Australia Jurist. He is also a former Law Reform Commissioner in Western Australia. Augusto recently published a three-volume set, Christian Foundations of the Common Law, which explains the Christian roots of the British, American and Australian legal systems. I met him at the recent Church and State Summit in Brisbane, where he very kindly allowed me to record this short summary of his thesis.
US & UK Buffer Zones by Matt Britton
Matt Britton serves as the chairman of the board and general counsel for 40 Days for Life. He has had an expansive legal career including four terms as an elected prosecutor; a county attorney; counsel to many not-for-profits and U.S. companies operating around the world; a major law firm litigator; and general counsel. Matt has written and spoken countless times on a wide range of legal and pro-life issues in locations across the United States as well as England, Japan, Colombia, Mexico, Korea, Singapore, Brazil, China, and locations across the European Union.