John Young
Author, Philosophy lecturer
John has studied philosophy and theology deeply, and has a bachelor’s degree in theology. He is the author of three books, a number of pamphlets, and over 600 published articles. John is interested especially in the thought of St Thomas Aquinas, and its application to modern questions. He is also interested in fundamental economic questions viewed from a natural moral law aspect.
Cardinal Pell And The Appeal Court Judges
One hope remains for George Cardinal Pell: that the High Court of Australia will overturn his guilty verdict.
The Vendetta Against Cardinal Pell
Australian George Cardinal Pell has been found guilty in a Melbourne court of sexual abuse of two boys under the age of 16, including oral sex, and is now in prison awaiting sentencing: probably a term of several years. An appeal is being lodged by his legal team.
But is he guilty?
The Fascist Founder of Planned Parenthood
"Birth control: more children from the fit, less from the unfit.” “No woman or man shall have the right to become a parent without a permit for parenthood.”
These quotes are from Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), the founder of Planned Parenthood. They are given by Elasah Drogin in her book Margaret Sanger: Father of Modern Society, a work which outlines the life and activity of the woman who founded Planned Parenthood, the organisation which has killed millions of pre-born babies. Unpleasant facts about the life and opinions of Margaret Sanger are ignored by her modern admirers, but they need to be seen if we are to fully understand the background of the current advocacy of abortion and of other evils.
Exclusion-zones: High Court Submission
John Young has summarised the submission made by my legal team to the High Court of Australia, which we propose will show that abortion-facility exclusion zones are unconstitutional. The entire document is 24 pages long and can be read here on the High Court website, along with submissions from the Attorneys-General of the states and territories, and the Commonwealth Attorney-General - all of whom oppose us. American readers may be interested to note that SCOTUS and the Massachusetts bubble-zone case are mentioned in our submission on page 12. Careful readers will see that, on the day of my arrest, twenty police officers were briefed regarding my life advocacy within the exclusion zone. Twenty.
Abortion IS Infanticide
If I wanted to kill someone I would find it helpful if I could convince myself that I was not really killing a human being. There would be a further advantage if I could convince other people, and especially the law, that this were so. It is no wonder then that advocates of abortion usually refuse to face the reality that abortion is the killing of a baby. There are exceptions, notably Professor Peter Singer, who agrees that a human baby is being killed, but generally, pro-abortionists shy away from this truth.
A Good Act is Condemned as Immoral
If a woman is about to enter an abortion facility and a person praying outside the facility offers her help, is this person acting immorally? I have just been told of a lecturer in a Catholic institute who stated that such a person is breaking the moral law. His reasoning was that the action of this pro-lifer will do no good but only harm. Why? Because the woman seeking the abortion has already made up her mind – otherwise she would not be there. So the pro-lifer offering help won’t achieve anything. But she will do positive harm, because her action with be upsetting to the woman about to have the abortion. The situation, then, according to this lecturer, is that no good will be done and the woman who is already under stress will be further upset.