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Tuesday, 01 June 2021 07:10

The Evil That Liberal "Moderates" Do

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Recent events in the Liberal Party in two states have only reinforced the once broad-church party's drift to the secular left, leaving the shrinking minority of cowed conservatives in the Party and Christians across the electorate wondering how and why this has occurred.  The Liberal Party's growing list of crimes against people of faith and against the churches is beginning to look like an agenda.  This article first appeared at


It was said, not that many moons ago, that the Liberal Party had, after decades of sectarian rivalry and anti-Catholicism, changed its tune and had become the Party of Catholics.  A real Catholic – not a fake one like Tony Abbott’s predecessor/successor, made it to the leadership of the Party in 2009.  Well, now the Liberal Party and its woke country cousins don’t seem to tolerate, let alone affirm anyone that is Christian, let alone Catholic.  And don’t even mention real conservatives.  The secularist green-leftist faction that now dominates the Liberals is seen in action most visibly in New South Wales.  It seeks actively to eliminate social conservatives from the Party and no longer tolerates anything at all that smacks of Christian values.

Just look at who the loudest cheerleaders were for same sex marriage.  And the willing participants from the so-called “right” of politics in the building tsunami of infanticide-on-demand and euthanasia legislation that is rolling across the states.  And the attacks on the sacred seal of the Catholic confessional cheered on by several prominent Liberals motivated by the moral panic over child sex abuse by priests, not least one Christian Porter. 

And the drumming out of politics of Christian-inclined Liberal members who have simply had enough of the bullying and the spite, or who dare to challenge the march of the wets.   Amanda Stoker is still in situ in the Senate, but only just, and may not survive the next Senate election in Queensland where she will face off against a certain Ms Hanson for the final seat in that State.  Stoker was considered too churchy by the Liberal members in Queensland to be awarded a safe Senate seat.  George Christensen and Nicolle Flint have left the building.  Cowed.  Defeated.  Craig Kelly sits on the cross-benches.  Former Abbott Minister Kevin Andrews has been dumped at pre-selection in Victoria. 

And now, this week, we have the attack on the Churches’ sacred involvement in Christian burial by the second most left-wing government in Australia, still clinging to office in the Premier State. 

According to the Sydney Morning Herald:

The decision to create a “OneCrown” entity to manage the cemeteries that operate on Crown land will result in the termination of the Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust, which operates three cemeteries at Rookwood, Liverpool and Kemps Creek.

Safely now past the “miracle” of the Upper Hunter by-election, the Unspellable Premier and her unlamented offsider from West Kempsey, Melinda Pavey (a National), appear to have lied to the Churches about their latest atrocity. 

This is from no less a source than the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher, as reported by Yoni Bashan, one of the media’s few lonely souls willing to call out the NSW Premier for her many crimes and indiscretions.  Bashan writes:

Sydney’s Catholic Archbishop has launched an extraordinary attack on the Berejiklian government over its decision to overhaul the state’s cemeteries management, accusing Gladys Berejiklian of deceiving the Church, marginalising its role in burials, and timing its announcement to be “dumped” on Catholic leaders just days after a crucial by-election.

In remarks directed at the premier and her government, Archbishop Anthony Fisher said Ms Berejiklian had repeatedly assured him during consultations that faith groups would be included the solution to Sydney’s shortage of cemetery space.

In other words, she lied.  It is a habit of Gladys’s, of course.  Just ask the Independent Commission Against Corruption about her testimony in relation to her now-thrown-under-the-bus, disgraced boyfriend.

Archbishop Fisher stated:

We will not give up the care of our dead without a fight. This is a ­matter of religious liberty and a matter of respect for the dead.

This could mean war, a war over religious freedom with a secularist government that firmly believes it can get away with anything.  The Matt Kean-Michael Photios-led faction that runs the state of New South Wales is so used to so-called Right faction heavies simply rolling over that it no longer even cares to hide or downplay its agendas and strategies.  Where is, for example, the NSW Treasurer in all this?

Perhaps from this day forward the strangely lauded NSW Premier should be known as “Gladys the Grave Robber.”

Meanwhile in South Australia, that chronically under-performing buddy of Malcolm Turnbull, Simon “Birmo” Birmingham, has orchestrated the pre-selection for Flint’s old seat of Boothby of one Rachel Swift, a “management consultant and medical researcher”.  A Rhodes Scholar, no less.  Not to mention a leftist.  And yes, this is the same Birmo who went to war with the Catholic Education sector in Victoria a little ways back, all in the name of worshipping at the altar of Gonski.

Birmingham, a former Canberra housemate of the unlamented Christopher Pyne – the French submarine man himself – is also a greenie of impeccable credentials in awe of the sustainability religion.  As he said in his maiden speech:

You do not need to be Einstein to work out that continued growth using current resources will ultimately be unsustainable." 

The South Australian Liberals, of course, are responsible for the most recent version of Australia’s slouch towards hyper-liberal abortion laws.  Indeed, the SA Attorney General (Vickie Chapman) led the charge.  No doubt, they will soon bend to the relentless and evil propaganda of Andrew Denton over killing the old and infirm, all in the name of “dignity”. 

The right-of-centre conservatives are facing an extinction level event in the Festival State.   The Adelaide-based InDaily noted last year:

Right faction [is] in retreat after "a complete moderate takeover of the SA Liberal Party".

According to one very well-informed insider stated in relation to the recent Boothby pre-selection:

On Saturday the left of the Liberal Party elected as the new candidate for Boothby one of their own, a former scientist who did experiments on live human embryos and who supports the radical social initiatives of the left.

She has a doctorate from Oxford.  She is Dr Rachel Swift.  Simon Birmingham spent hours on the phone ringing delegates and telling them that he was ringing on behalf of the Premier, the AG, and Rob Lucas (Treasurer).  Part of the line was that they should reject Mrs Lea Blyth (conservative Liberal and very well-credentialed) because she is religious (protestant, prolife etc) and because people like the Branch President of Boothby (Archbishop John Hepworth weren't real mainstream Christians because of their attitudes to sex, abortion, euthanasia etc) and he was supporting Blyth.

This smacks of the treatment of Stoker, and dare one say it, of Tony Abbott.  Nicolle Flint was unimpressed at the Boothby outcome and, more importantly, the thuggish behaviour of those who orchestrated it:

Outgoing federal Liberal MP Nicolle Flint has savaged her party’s moderate faction amid internal rancour following a weekend preselection to anoint her successor.

Flint stated, in response to charges that she herself had “harangued” pre-selectors:

I was very disappointed with the article in the Sunday Mail today, where an unnamed senior male Liberal ‘source’ attacked me.

Unfortunately, I was not surprised.

This is just the latest example of the treatment I have endured from the ‘left’ or the ‘wets’ in the Liberal Party, while holding a marginal seat that helped deliver us federal government.

There is nothing ‘moderate’ about this sort of behaviour [and] it needs to stop.

Yes, indeed.  The use of the term “moderate” to describe extreme leftists who routinely use bullying factional methods has always been a puzzle.  It is a nomenclature coup.

The battle for Boothby is merely the latest conservative domino to fall.  The NSW Liberal Party, aka The Photios Industrial Complex, remains a cesspit of secularist, green-leftism, far more at one ideologically with Newtown and Taylor Square than with the Hills District or any other socially conservative suburban enclave one might name.  Notwithstanding its fleeting overtures to the coal industry workers of the Upper Hunter, at least for a few weeks.  (As the Nats leader John “Pork-barrell-aro” admitted, the rabid renewables point man Matt Kean had been “in witness protection” for the duration of the by-election).

One of Morrison’s ministers, Amanda Ruston, has opined the “The Liberal Party is a party of equal opportunity”.  Maybe for women.  Maybe.  For the right type of women.  Certainly not for conservatives.  They definitely need not apply.  Ruston’s claim is risible.  The once very broad church of John Howard bears no resemblance whatsoever to today’s “Modern Liberals”.  This is the Party of Zimmerman, Wilson, Birmingham, Falinski, Sharma and co, whose agenda is far more closely aligned with Antonio Gramsci and Klaus Schwab than with either Edmund Burke or Adam Smith.

Read 2001 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 June 2021 07:27
Paul Collits

Paul Collits is a freelance writer and independent researcher who lives in Lismore New South Wales.  
He has worked in government, industry and the university sector, and has taught at tertiary level in three different disciplines - politics, geography and planning and business studies.  He spent over 25 years working in economic development and has published widely in Australian and international peer reviewed and other journals.  He has been a keynote speaker internationally on topics such as rural development, regional policy, entrepreneurship and innovation.  Much of his academic writing is available at
His recent writings on ideology, conservatism, politics, religion, culture, education and police corruption have been published in such journals as Quadrant, News Weekly and The Spectator Australia.
He has BA Hons and MA degrees in political science from the Australian National University and a PhD in geography and planning from the University of New England.  He currently has an adjunct Associate Professor position at a New Zealand Polytechnic.