Kathy Clubb
Founder and Editor of The Freedoms Project
Kathy has been active in pro-life work for 6 years and was involved in a constitutional challenge to Victoria’s exclusion-zone laws. She is the Melbourne co-ordinator for Family Life International and is a member of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. Kathy began writing about pro-life and Catholic issues at Light up the Darkness.net but broadened her range of topics as she came to learn more about the many threats to freedom which are common to all Christians.
Kathy home-educates her youngest 6 children and considers her family to be her most important pro-life work.
Gender Theory's Tragic Sequel
Judith Butler and other queer theorists have created a frightening culture of vulnerable, sexually-confused young people. While trans academics sip their soy lattes and jet around the world, being lauded for spouting their fashionable gobbledygook, emotionally-wounded children take their crazy ideas onboard and run with them. The most extreme form of this trend for transitioning is a complete sex-change. The video below tracks a young British girl's progress as she transitions to a male body, primarily by taking testosterone (known as 'T').
Our elites just aren't that serious about stopping pedophiles
We've all heard more than we ever care to about child grooming and abuses occurring in our institutions. The crimes in and around Rotherham, for example, are well-documented, and cause us to shake our heads in dismay. Our hands are clenched - if we're human beings - at the injustice and inaction of those who are charged with keeping children safe. This surely causes us to wonder exactly how serious our political elites and judiciary are about protecting children. While authors such as sociologist Gabrielle Kuby, Dr. David van Gend, and Jonathon van Maren expose sinister ideologies behind the global ascension of gender revisionists, it is cause for wonder why so many people continue to elect vastly inappropriate politicians or keep their children in harmful school environments.
What is the future of Alt-Media?
Censorship of conservative and pro-life media outlets has been going on for some time, but in recent weeks, this attack on free speech has become even more blatant. For example, controversial commentator Alex Jones of Infowars was banned from Facebook, Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and finally from Twitter then, just a few days ago, PragerU's Facebook account was completely hidden from its 3 million followers. Additionally, pro-life accounts have been censored on Twitter for merely stating that abortion 'kills babies' or that a fetus is a human being.
Leyonhjelm's euthanasia bill defeated: Three of the best pro-life defences
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, euthanasia advocate, Brian Owler thinks many of Australia's MPs are 'out of touch' with the desires of the public to be given access to assisted killing. However, pro-life senators tell us that the majority of submissions to a recent federal inquiry were advocating for life, rather than for euthanasia. Below are portions of the presentations given by three Australian senators who voted against the recent Leyonhjelm bill which would have allowed the territories to pass euthanasia legislation.
Late-Term Abortion and Other Atrocities
Almost 10 years ago, Victoria became the first Australian state to decriminalise abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Tasmania followed in 2013. Now Queensland abortion activists are trying a second time to decriminalise abortion to full term in that state. This article looks at some of the inhumane aspects of these barbaric procedures. [A note on the use of the phrase 'late-term' abortion: there is some division over the use of this name to describe the deliberate termination of pregnancy past the first trimester. Some, including abortion providers, do not believe it to be medically accurate. But because the name is widely-accepted, I have stuck with it for this article, which focuses on deliberate abortions performed after 20 weeks' gestation.]
Sorry, Progressives: Exclusion-Zones Don't Stop Killers
Queensland has moved a step closer to decriminalising abortion with Labor's outrageous bill set to be put forward in August. The bill will draw heavily on Law reform Commission recommendations, and take extreme abortion laws existing in other states even further. While mainstream media emphasises that abortion would be made legal up to 22 weeks, there is less emphasis on proposals for babies over 22 weeks' gestation. That may be due to the public's distaste for late-term abortion: Premier Palaszczuk wants to allow abortions to full term, with merely a sign-off by a second doctor required.
Reforming the Contraception Mentality
Those even on the periphery of the Catholic world are likely to be aware that this July marks the fiftieth anniversary of the release of Humanae Vitae. That controversial Catholic document, authored by Pope Paul VI, created a demarcation line between orthodox and liberal Catholics over the issue of contraception. And that demarcation has continued to this day. It is often sadly acknowledged within Catholic circles that if the advice given in Humanae Vitae, and its forerunner, Casti Conubii, had been faithfully promulgated by all priests and obediently followed by the laity, then today's astoundingly high abortion rate could never have been realised.
Anti-Life Activists and Media Target Final Pro-Life Vigil in NSW
[Offering help outside NSW abortion facilities is now illegal under a law passed less than two weeks ago by the state's parliament. Pro-abortion advocates rushed the law through its final enactment stage to ensure that no woman would have the opportunity to change her mind on her way to an abortion, through the intervention of life advocates. The law was passed despite evidence of coercion being present in many abortion decisions, and despite the fact that many women are unaware of the resources available to them, should they choose to keep their child.
Another Successful Australian Abortion-Pill Reversal
The abortion industry would have women believe that once the first abortion-pill is taken, then their children's fate is sealed. But it is possible to save babies if intervention is made in time. In fact, more than half women who undergo an abortion-pill reversal go on to give birth to healthy babies. Abortion-pill reversal has been available for some years overseas but has yet to become widely accessible in Australia. Still, despite many obstacles, successful reversals have been taking place in this country. Below is the case study of one such successful procedure.
New South Wales MP Condones Violence Against Pro-Lifers
In the wake of the passing of another 'Safe-Access' zones bill, a NSW MP has sanctioned the idea that violence against life advocates is acceptable. Emma Husar, Labor's member for Lindsay, made the comment in a thread on her public Facebook page.