Knackered Old Knight and blogger/innkeeper at The Knight & Drummer
An Australian now, he was born and bred an Englishman but has stood on a town-hall stage, raised a hand and said ‘G’Day’. A respect for the social fabric is tempered by a fine sense of judgement and foolhardiness which sees him defying immoral and anti-Christian Laws. He may be found every week outside the Hobart Abortuary saying his Rosary, despite the threats of jail. Fines are no good for one so poor. The police no longer even tell him to ‘move along’ as he moves very slowly anyway.
Beyond the Pale
The Tavern Pale is the large hedge that surrounds the property, keeping the riff-raff out. That is what a 'Pale' does. Pale is also the hue of white folk, especially old white folk, and specifically men, old white folk who constitute at least half of our customers. The riff-raff think that we are beyond the Pale, being as we are happily on the opposite side of the hedge, drinking our pints.
The 'Tribunal' Game
Primordial Chicken Soup
Where do we come from? How did we get here? So asks almost every child. And thinking adult. Customers in the Tavern offer answers, and few, if any, seem to satisfy the critics. Especially the atheistic ones. Offer the most compelling - (well, to me )- that my Supplier made us, and a chorus arises from beyond the hedges. No. It has to be 'nature' they shout.
We come from the Primordial Soup !
Elections: Democracy's Achilles Heel
The case for Kings has long been voted out. The problem with Democracy is that all votes are equal, so the vote of the King was (is) worth the same as that of the average taxpayer. And the half-wit who does not know her/his own gender, the mentally deficient dole bludger who holidays in Bali on the taxpayer benefits he gets fortnightly, and the Muslim fellow down the road who wants all Infidels to do as Allah said 1400 years ago, or else: and his four wives, who will all vote as he tells them or get a beating. He and they are all on benefits too. The taxpayer weeps. The King too. Then we have the election process. The pre-selection of toadies: branch stacking; gerrymandering. The average punter has little effect on who is being voted for. And 'the system'. Designed by clods in order to conflate. More weeping and gnashing of teeth have been heard from America in the past few weeks, such that normal conversation in the Tavern has been all but drowned out. The Land of the Free has never been known for clean elections. They have barely moved on from the Rotten Boroughs that blighted Britain.
Keep Out
Perhaps America needs some friendly Pacific Islands to 'store' refugees. The news - now that the Kavanaugh bizzo is over and the fake bombs bizzo is over - is of a 'caravan' (odd term when there are no camels in sight) of 'refugees walking through Mexico en route to the USA. It is a bit like the experience of Europe with thousands of odd-bods (mostly young men) walking past or through Italian and Greek villages going to Germany and Britain. Oz made a lucrative deal (listen up the Donald) with Nauru and stopped further traffic of such 'human Trafficker assisted' faux refugees to Oz. The political fall-out may last a while of course, but perhaps it is worth it. Instead of 'Sanctuary Cities', perhaps the US could have some Sanctuary Islands. Heck, they could even be purpose built, like the Chinese are doing.
Look Them in the Eye
As our civilisation sinks we need to look at who is dragging it down and what 'circumstances' drive us down. Try a mirror for a start and see what you can tell of yourself. It is not as though the examples and proofs, of the 'Them' out there and the Us in here are hidden. We just need to look.
Take Mrs May, for example. The UK cannot really have any pride in their 'leader' as she is sheer evil.
Cry Me a River - of Blood
What do you give a wealthy country for its birthday? A country that has everything: sunshine, beaches, forests, cities voted the 'Most Liveable in the World', abundant energy, fine healthy people, enterprise, enthusiasm. One might look forward to more of the same and perhaps even a small increase to share around with friends. What one does not want is someone taking it all away.
Teachers: The Red Cent Rules
There are older teachers around today that are as depressed about modern education as many of the Tavern's customers. Most ordinary punters, both dads and mums consumed with work, send their kids to what passes for schools, whether they like it or not, to have their little chaps and chapesses spend more time with a (very possibly) uneducated moron than they do with themselves. It is a bleak picture. Older folk remember many of their early years' teachers with affection and gratitude, but few kids today will have such pleasant memories.
Reflections on the Crucifixion
Written on Easter Saturday, March 26, 2016
How Close to Broke Are You?
The poor and the middle class in the western world are not as far apart as some might imagine. There are many folk who stand at the Tavern's bars who would be very hard done to find a few hundred bucks at short notice. Many seemingly 'middle class' could be wiped out overnight by an unexpected expense. How are you doing? Close to skint occasionally?