Condemnation of contraception was not limited to church leaders; in the early twentieth century, social commentators, and even presidents rejected the use of artificial contraception in the strongest words. For example, US President, Theodore Roosevelt, called contraception “the one sin for which the penalty is national death; a sin for which there is no atonement.”
The Vatican’s 2004 Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum stated that “the faithful always have the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue” (n.92) and that it was never licit to deny Holy Communion to anyone who has no impediment to receiving (n.91). This directive was reiterated in 2009, when the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments issued another clear statement on the reception of the Holy Eucharist.
Ten Sets of Questions for VicPol on the Pell Case
Written by Paul CollitsWhatever the outcome of the upcoming High Court appeal by Cardinal Pell against his conviction on sex abuse charges, and despite the continuing social media tirades against the man and the undying hatred expressed by Pell haters against his small band of public defenders, there has been a recent, ever-so-subtle turn in elite opinion towards the possibility of an Alfred Dreyfus/Lindy Chamberlain scenario here. That the man may have been wrongly convicted. This is evidenced by some support for Pell’s innocence from unlikely quarters, and suggests hope against hope for justice.
Melbourne Jesuits promote gays, discriminate against faithful Catholics
Written by Kathy ClubbMelbourne’s prestigious Newman College is showing open support for LGBTI students, while actively discriminating against those who uphold the Church’s teaching on sexuality. Newman College is a residential campus for Catholic University of Melbourne students and was established more than a hundred years ago.
One hope remains for George Cardinal Pell: that the High Court of Australia will overturn his guilty verdict.
Vatican's Christmas Concert and Mother Earth worship
Written by Kathy ClubbJust when we thought that the Christmas celebrations would provide a break from controversy, the Vatican disappointed yet again by honouring the Earth Mother at a Christmas concert.
Bishops' permission for Freemasonry was hiding in plain sight
Written by Kathy ClubbBack in July, I wrote an article for The Remnant on a Queensland priest who publically admits to having been a Freemason for more than a decade. While that is shocking enough, the most disturbing part of this story was that the priest claims to have a letter from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, giving permission for Catholics to become Masons. Now evidence has come to light which suggests that, in fact, this is the official policy of the ACBC.
Faithful Catholics who had been scandalised by the presence of pagan idols during the Amazon Synod received another blow when Pope Francis apologised for their removal from the Church at Traspontina. However, only a little research reveals that the images which featured prominently during the Synod are traditionally associated with child sacrifice.
Given its commitment to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, it is not unreasonable to question whether the Vatican intends to hold the line on contraception and abortion. In light of all this, it was highly disturbing to hear about new appointments to the redesigned John Paul II Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences in Rome, and to read comments by its new president.
Last week’s article looked at the Fourth Revolution, as predicted by Plinio Corrêa de Oliviera in his classic book, Revolution and Counter-Revolution. This article follows up with a look at the Counter-Revolution: our practical response to the disorder we see around us.
Violating the First Commandment - Synodal style
Written by Kathy ClubbIdol worship was on full display in preparation for the Pan-Amazon synod, with the tacit approval of Pope Francis. Although the Synod hadn’t yet started, the celebration of pagan ceremonies added weight to the concerns being voiced by prominent prelates and laymen that the Synod will be a vehicle for apostasy.
It is not the imminent collapse of the earth that we should fear, but loony groups like Extinction Rebellion.
Revisiting Plinio Corrêa de Oliviera's Fourth Revolution
Written by Kathy ClubbDr Plinio Corrêa de Oliviera was the founder of the Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). His classic book, Revolution and Counter-Revolution was written in 1959 and was remarkably prescient in his description of the challenges which would one day face the Church.
Attacking the seal of confession in Australia
Written by Kathy ClubbLaws which mandated breaking the seal of the confessional were enacted in two Australian states last week. In Victoria, the penalty for failing to report child sexual abuse admitted in confession is up to three years imprisonment, while in Tasmania, the maximum penalty is 21 years’ in prison - which is the same penalty in that state for crimes such as rape.
The Australian Church has undertaken a radical and dangerous approach to charting her future, in the form of Plenary 2020, which was instigated by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in 2018.
The 7 most idiotic proposals by Democrat contenders
Written by Bill MuehlenbergWhy Trump must deal with Antifa now, or risk bloodbath later on
Written by Leo HohmannIn case you haven’t heard, antifa is celebrating its first American martyr. This is a big deal. Every communist revolutionary movement needs a martyr. But if you rely on mainstream news, you are probably unaware of what happened on Saturday because there’s been a virtual news blackout by the major media networks.
Have the Catholic Bishops Approved 'Australian' Freemasonry?
Written by Kathy ClubbA Catholic priest who is also a Freemason has claimed that the Bishops Conference now allows Catholic men to become 'Australian' Freemasons.
Senator Cory Bernardi has had the wind knocked out of his sails by successive electoral defeats for his party. Hindsight is 20:20, and he should never have left the Liberal Party. The Australian Conservatives had all the potential in the world to bring a genuine conservative revolution to Australian politics, but not as a party in its own right.
The real 'face of the Amazon': a culture of death
Written by Kathy ClubbInfanticide and suicide have traditionally been part of the culture in many parts of the Amazon region. So why does the working document for October's Pan-Amazon Synod suggest that the Catholic Church should 'put on an Amazon face?'
Some pertinent questions for those Catholics who disagree with the main thesis of Taylor Marshall's book, Infiltration, and who may be sceptical about the level of crisis existing in the Church today.
Cardinals, Catholicism and the Counter-Revolution - an interview with George Neumayr
Written by Kathy ClubbNot long ago, after reading another excellent article by George Neumayr, I remarked that someone should buy this worthy journalist a drink. Then I realised that only a couple of weeks later, I was going to to be in the US and could buy him one myself! So I contacted George, and he agreed to meet with me when I was in DC. We met at the Basilica - centre of so much ignominy and corruption - and followed up with an interview.
On Saturday May 18 Australia decided who should run the country: Scott Morrison and the Liberals, or Bill Shorten and Labor. Although there are still more votes to be counted, we now know the results: the Liberal/National Coalition will get back into office.
Mark Latham, former Labor Party leader, is now head of One Nation in NSW and was recently elected to the Legislative Council . Broadcaster Alan Jones called his inaugural speech “The most outstanding political speech I have ever read”.