Planned Parenthood's Proud Passion: Baby Killing
Written by Bill MuehlenbergAs if we still needed proof: the firing of Dr. Leana Wen by Planned Parenthood after just nine months in the top job tells us all we need to know about the world’s largest baby killing machine. For daring to suggest that PP should actually offer real medical help to women, and not just push abortion as its top priority, she was unceremoniously dumped.
Northern Ireland forced to decriminalise abortion
Written by Kathy ClubbIn what has been called a 'disgraceful abuse of power', the UK Parliament has voted to repeal sections of Northern Ireland's law which protect preborn babies from abortion. MPs from all over the UK overwhelmingly supported the Northern Ireland Executive Formation Bill, which will repeal sections of the Offences Against the Person Act of 1861.
Devastatingly for pro-abortion arguments, objectively 96% of biologists affirm human life begins at fertilisation.
Abortion advocates respond to pre-borns' Sanctuary City
Written by Kathy ClubbAbortion lovers have responded to a US town declaring itself a sanctuary city for preborn babies by erecting a billboard proclaiming that "Abortion is freedom."
The New York Times has published an opinion piece by a practising abortionist, who gives her thoughts on becoming a mother for the first time. Her article shows a light on the mental gymnastics abortionists must practise in trying to justify their work of killing babies.
The idea of self-induced abortion has a long history as a scare tactic in legal debates over abortion both in the United States and around the world. Abortion advocates wielding coat hangers have argued that abortion should be a decision left to women and their doctors.
Pro-lifers grow accustomed to all sorts of insults, the most unimaginative being 'Fascist' or 'Nazi.' But this pro-abortion writer takes the prize for being the biggest tyrant of all when he applauds abortion for wiping out the 'undesirables'.
Celebrating murder: "Look what it did for my career!"
Written by Bill Muehlenberg"Ten years later, I think about my abortion with sadness, but not regret. I will never regret my decision. I have done so many things and had so many opportunities that I may not have been able to do with a child."
Showdown coming: Georgia will test liberal conscience over 'heartbeat' bill
Written by Leo HohmannIf conservatives are paying attention they will note that the day may soon come when corporate America, if it is willing to bring all of its monetary muscle to bear, could effectively turn every state into a radical blue state in the mold of California and New York.
European nationalists complacent when it comes to abortion
Written by C-FAMEuropean nationalist parties have tended to sound pro-life and pro-family in order to gain power, but they have been unwilling to put an end to international European advocacy for abortion and LGBT rights.
Miserable, purposeful lies should not be part of our politics
Written by Dave PelloweTuesday’s Sydney Morning Herald featured an astoundingly dishonest opinion piece ironically titled, “Miserable, purposeful lies should not be part of our politics.” Her own “miserable, purposeful lies” deserve to be dismantled logically and methodically.
The crimes of Dr. Kermit Gosnell were a result of an opportunistic serial killer flourishing in a systematic, statewide failure at every level of regulation. When officials raided his offices in 2010, a 30 plus year nightmare began to unravel in the form of blood splattered walls, corpses of dead babies who had been brutally murdered, and a library of patient files that echoed the harsh reality that one of America’s most prolific serial killers had just been discovered.
"This is real and it is happening in our own communities"
Written by Kathy ClubbThe story of Abby Johnson's shock turnaround from abortion advocate to vocal pro-lifer is changing the minds and hearts of people from all persuasions in the US. The film has just been shown in private pre-screenings here in Australia; I caught up with producer, Daryl Lefever, to ask him some questions about Unplanned.
Scholars Accuse UK Government of Censoring Research Findings
Written by C-FAMTraditionally, a doula is a female birth attendant, who provides non-medical support to a woman during and after labour. Now, Queensland abortion business, Children by Choice, is launching an abortion doula training program, modelled on similar services offered in the US.
Catholic News Agency recently published an article which is full of errors regarding the part abortion plays in the production of vaccines. This response seeks to clarify those misunderstandings and misrepresentations.
This is how students are brainwashed into supporting abortion
Written by Kathy ClubbA chance find on Twitter reveals how university students are being indoctrinated with pro-abortion propaganda by biased lecturers.
Study finds 23 million girls are missing due to sex-selective abortion
Written by C-FAMSex-selective abortion has caused the premature death of over 23 million females, according to the first-ever systematic global study of sex ratio imbalance.
The movie, 'Unplanned', based on the experiences of former planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, has been making waves and changing hearts since its release in the US. Dave Pellowe has produced this interview with the writer/directors of the movie.
The 'Christian' abortionist who wants to destigmatize abortion
Written by Kathy Clubb16 times abortion advocates admitted that abortion kills babies
Written by Graham PrestonThe 'clump of cells' argument is wearing pretty thin - especially when abortionists and other advocates agree that abortion takes the life of a fully human child.
On which day did pro-lifers (almost) lose the battle against abortion?
Written by Graham PrestonHere in Australia, was it that day in October 2008 when the Victorian parliament made abortion on demand legal up until 24 weeks of pregnancy? [Note: with signatures from two doctors, abortion is available to 40 weeks - Ed]. Or was it some years before that when the parliament of the Australian Capital Territory made abortion on demand legal right up until birth? I would suggest that it was on neither of those dates, but some time much earlier still.
In an important decision on free speech issues, the High Court of Australia, in its decision in Clubb v Edwards; Preston v Avery [2019] HCA 11 (10 April 2019), has upheld the validity of laws in Victoria and Tasmania prohibiting communication about abortion within 150m of an abortion clinic. The decision may have serious implications for free speech about other issues on which religious believers have deep-seated convictions contrary to the general orthodoxy of modern Australian society.
Australians will be going to the polls in May, with only two possible outcomes: a Liberal government, headed by Scott Morrison, which will be ostensibly 'conservative' or 'right-wing', or a Labor government, a 'progressive' or 'left-wing' one, led by Bill Shorten. As with last year's Viktorian state election, the watchword among Christians, especially pro-lifer Christians, is "keep Labor out." However, in that election, despite intese lobbying, Labor stayed in power and significantly, enjoyed a swing in its favour across most of the state.