Kathy Clubb
Founder and Editor of The Freedoms Project
Kathy has been active in pro-life work for 6 years and was involved in a constitutional challenge to Victoria’s exclusion-zone laws. She is the Melbourne co-ordinator for Family Life International and is a member of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. Kathy began writing about pro-life and Catholic issues at Light up the Darkness.net but broadened her range of topics as she came to learn more about the many threats to freedom which are common to all Christians.
Kathy home-educates her youngest 6 children and considers her family to be her most important pro-life work.
Fishing for a Cardinal
John Macaulay is a former altar server at Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathedral, scene of the alleged sexual assault of two choirboys by Cardinal George Pell. In this interview with Raymond Arroyo of EWTN, John speaks about the implausibility of the alleged crimes, based on both his experience of Cathedral Mass protocols and also his being an eye-witness during the court proceedings that saw Cardinal Pell convicted. John and Raymond open with a discussion about ‘Operation Tethering’, the Victorian Police investigation that began years before there were any allegations of malfeasance on the part of the Cardinal.
Four pro-life victories you may have missed
While this may not qualify as a ‘victory’ in the sense that it’s the result of a targeted campaign by pro-lifers, it certainly is a victory for life, as Australian mothers will now have more restricted access to dangerous tele-med abortions. The harmful drugs used in the medical abortion protocol have led to serious side-effects and even death among women worldwide. And, in yet another example of the abortion industry’s dishonest approach, women who access medical abortions are not told that reversal is available.
Labor pledges to abort Australia's future
‘Safe, legal and rare’ is out the window – now it’s free abortions for everyone. Labor’s Deputy Leader, Tanya Plibersek, has given details of a $9 million National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy, aimed at increasing abortion services throughout Australia, should her party be elected this year.
Transgender Ideology and Grooming in Perth's Catholic schools
Highly sexualised school curriculum, identical to Victoria's notorious Safe-Schools programme, has been found in a Catholic high school in Perth.
Abortion is immoral in the first trimester, or it's not immoral at all
It's evident that among those who identify as 'pro-life' there exists a great variety of positions. At one end of the spectrum are those who defend life from the moment of conception, while also condemning contraception, and at the other end, there are those who agree with abortion in certain circumstances such as rape or severe foetal abnormality.
New York's deadly birthday gift to the abortion lobby
On the 46th anniversary of Roe v Wade- that infamous law which legalised abortion in the US - the state of New York expanded its own abortion legislation with the 'Reproductive Health Act'. According to LifeSiteNews:
The bill declares that “Every individual who becomes pregnant has the fundamental right to choose to carry the pregnancy to term, to give birth to a child, or to have an abortion,” erases the state’s recognition of preborn babies older than 24 weeks as potential homicide victims, removes abortion from the penal code entirely, and allows licensed health practitioners other than full doctors to commit abortions.
New York's Governor, Andrew Cuomo, called the new law a 'a historic victory for New Yorkers and our progressive values…' and directed that the state's landmarks be lit up in pink to celebrate the occasion. Jonathon van Maren, of The Bridgehead, wrote what many were thinking: ' ... it seems as if New York’s landmarks are lit up to commemorate the passing of untold nameless ones.'
If masculinity is 'toxic' then what is feminism?
It seems that belittling men has become an international pastime, with the media, politicians and special interest groups continuing to put put men down for simply being men. The now-infamous Gillette ad has created a huge backlash against this fashionable trend which simultaneously degrades men while elevating women to something which they are not. (Here is a comparison of old vs new marketing from Gillette.) Sure, men have certain weaknesses that they need to reign in. Back in the day, that was called Self Control - something that is sorely lacking in most schools and homes in this sophisticated age. But now are lives are all about The Feels - and how feminine is a society that is based purely on emotion? Well, it's obviously quite dysfunctional. The cognitive dissonance abounds when society (via feminism) thinks all men are scum but also believes that women are equal to men.
Pro-abortion billboard: 'It was just health-care'
It should be no surprise that abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, would want to take the baby-killing industry's' 'shout your abortion' campaign to the next level. Because that's exactly what PP have done with their new billboard campaign in the US state of Iowa. The campaign is being run in response to a recently-passed heartbeat bill, which effectively bans most abortions once a baby's heartbeat is detected, that is, around 6 week's gestation. Although narrow exemptions apply, the new law would ensure that doctors 'conduct an abdominal ultrasound to test for a fetal heartbeat on any woman seeking an abortion. If that heartbeat is detected, a physician cannot perform an abortion.'
Once-Catholic Ireland now provides free abortions
At midnight on New Year's Day, the Republic of Ireland's new abortion law was enacted, following a referendum which showed massive support for legalisation. Despite a huge campaign to save the 8th Amendment - which had previously protected Ireland's pre-born babies - and courageous opposition from pro-life politicians, years of poor catechesis coupled with injections of cash from pro-abortion globalists meant that the majority of the Irish people were ready to embrace legal child-killing. Irish doctors are outraged, since they are now obliged to refer for abortions, (and possibly to perform them!) and shockingly, will earn more for aborting babies than for caring for pregnant women throughout their pregnancies.
Our Top 10 Articles of 2018
Well, it's that time of year when we look back over the last 12 months and thank God for His blessings and protection. It's also customary to examine our lives - our achievements and failures - to see what can be improved upon in the coming year. I'll certainly be spending some time in the next couple of weeks considering what improvements can be made to the website and its content. Below are the articles that you liked best and shared the most widely during 2018.