Paul Collits
Love's Labour's Lost
Does the left now despise the working class? A British Labour dissident thinks so, and has written a book about it. And he wants to change his Party. In Australia, an ALP politician may this week have called time on the Labor woke-ocracy as well.
The Coming Covid Gulag
The Gulag Archipelago is coming to a Western democracy near you, very soon. Not content with closing down economies and societies, and suppressing freedom, governments and their fellow travellers are now coming for the dissidents.
Biden's Useful Idiots
Useful idiots are, well, useful. Uncle Joe Biden has plenty. What are they up to? And what will they deliver?
Jacinda, Justin, Joe, Boris and ScMo - A Busted Flush for the Anglosphere?
The Anglosphere faces a crisis of leadership. The West is now ruled wall-to-wall by second rate ideologues and/or chancers, either determined to change the global order or powerless to prevent the revolution we now face.
Mourning in America
The United States of America are broken. We knew that. But are they corrupt as well? There are many questions about this election that need some answers. Americans this week should be wearing black.
Leo the Great
Journalism as Activism: The Case of Louise Milligan
Louise Milligan, who sought to destroy the reputation of Cardinal George Pell, has written a new book. She should have, instead, abjectly apologised for having written the first one.
The False Promise of Local Government Amalgamations
The latest financial scandal in New South Wales concerns the disastrous attempt to merge local councils. It has cost taxpayers a billion dollars, for little gain.
The Big Lie That Will Save ScoMo's Skin
The governments, including Australia's, that have jettisoned freedom and the economy to save us all from a largely limp virus, are banking on getting away with one more big lie to get them off the electoral hook. It is called a vaccine.
Convergent Opportunism
Conspiracy theorists are everywhere. Sometimes, though, they are called acute observers, social scientists, historians, critical thinkers. Governments and others may not have planned the Covid epidemic, but many with agendas are cashing in. Call them convergent opportunists.