Dave Pellowe
Speaker, conservative media host
Dave Pellowe is a seasoned communicator, political campaigner, and the host of online video talk shows, “Pellowe Talk”, “Church And State”, and “TheHeterodox.TV“. He’s interviewed notable Senators and Members of Parliament, media personalities, leading ethicists, authors, pastors, activists, lawyers and entrepreneurs in the fearless pursuit of Truth.
Did Qantas fire Israel Folau?
Did Qantas fire Israel Folau? Are SJW corporations running the nation’s public policy now? What can we do to make them stick to their knitting? Dr Jeremy Sammut has written a book answering just that question.
Miserable, purposeful lies should not be part of our politics
Tuesday’s Sydney Morning Herald featured an astoundingly dishonest opinion piece ironically titled, “Miserable, purposeful lies should not be part of our politics.” Her own “miserable, purposeful lies” deserve to be dismantled logically and methodically.
God's hand behind the movie 'Unplanned'
The movie, 'Unplanned', based on the experiences of former planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, has been making waves and changing hearts since its release in the US. Dave Pellowe has produced this interview with the writer/directors of the movie.
The Message of Israel Folau, Notre Dame and Good Friday
It’s wonderful news that all of a sudden Rugby Union Australia believe in God, Heaven & Hell. Many of us had been under the distinct impression they were largely indifferent to Christian theology & doctrine. All that was cleared up marvelously though when they judged the record try scorer of all time, Israel Folau, to be more immoral than the philandering, drunken cokeheads which litter the various Australian football codes.
What IS EMILY’s List?
Dave Pellowe interviews Teeshan Johnson, the Executive Director of Cherish Life Qld, about this insidious organisation that has an invisible hand in every Parliament in Australia. What extreme agendas do EMILY’s List members have for Australia’s future? What have they already achieved without the general public knowing who was behind it?
The single most important election issue
The Australian Labor Party today announced a new campaign policy: their intention to make abortion on demand legal & free across Australia. With this single policy they have made it impossible for any authentic Christian to vote for them, much less stay silent on the sidelines of this impending federal election.
Is Cultural Marxism a conservative conspiracy or a real modern worldview?
The feminarchy, intersectionality, cultural relativism, a galaxy of phobias & authoritarian thought police – is there a clear line between classical Marxism and the war against Christian culture, or is it just a right-wing conspiracy to justify hate? In this video, I talk to Dr Stephen Chavura about Marxism, socialism and post-modernism.
Labor's deceitful attack on Christian schools, with Dr Greg Walsh
There is no discrimination by Christian Schools against gay kids.
No kid has ever been expelled for being gay & no school wants to. Yet if you were to believe Labor’s Senator Penny Wong, she claims to be fighting against such discrimination. Dr Greg Walsh, senior law lecturer at the University of Notre Dame Australia in Sydney joins me to discuss her proposed legislation, the arguments for and against it, and what he thinks the Parliament should do instead.
The Double Standards of Liberals
Context and explanation meant absolutely nothing to the outraged leftist media complex collaborating with self-interested politicians when accusing Senator Fraser Anning of Nazi levels of racism for saying the words “final solution”. Senator Anning declared, “In the days of Menzies, immigrants arriving here were not allowed to apply for welfare and that attracted exactly the right sort of hard-working people this country needed. We should go back to that and ban all immigrants receiving welfare for the first five years after they arrive. The final solution to the immigration problem is, of course, a popular vote.” Turnbull called the reference a “shocking insult” to the Jewish people. Left, right and centre, people rushed to condemn Fraser Anning’s entire speech on the strength of a phrase commonly associated with Adolf Hitler, despite the Senator’s protestations that he had not intended any reference to Nazism.
Silence is NOT an option!
This message is so dear to my heart. It was given at the launch (4 Nov 2018) of ‘Christians In Politics’, a grass roots self-organisation of some Christians in Newcastle concerned about how we can be better informed about and involved in the future of our nation – our neighbours. Here’s what one person had to say after the event…